Chapter Five: Where It All Started

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Sorry for the training skip...we have no excuse

edit* currently working on a training sequence that isn't actually gonna be a proper chapter (because then I'd have to change the number of all the chapters after this one...)

edit** training montage is up, called Interlude: How to Become a Shinobi (see previous chapter)

It kinda fills in the gaps for their training and stuff.


Six months later...

"It chipped again!" Shiori groaned inspecting her wooden katana.

"You need to get a real one. Come over, take a little break," Kakashi said, not looking at his book for once.

"So, six months already, huh?" Kakashi smiled at them.

"Yeah," Shiori grinned, winding some fresh bandages on her arms, Sharingan still active.

The veins around Leiko's temple were just receding.

During the six months, the four girls threw themselves into the new routine of becoming a ninja.

And what a six months it had been.

"You know, I heard some of your classmates are going to be graduating with you four this year. Guess they learnt the clone jutsu in time," Kakashi informed.

"Wow, talk about the academy being lax," Leiko laughed.

"I expect both of you guys to make genin, not just pass the initial examination. You've been training hard the past six months, now show everyone what you've learned," Kakashi lectured.

"Of course, Kakashi-sensei. You didn't even have to tell us," Leiko gave him a mock salute.

"It's only for a week. I'm sure we'll live," Shiori shrugged.

"Yeah, and I have to take on a bunch of genins. What's the point, they're all going to fail anyways," Kakashi moped.

"You never know Kakashi-sensei. They could be an interesting bunch this year," Shiori shrugged.

"That's true. The clan heads somehow lumped all their kids into one class. Could be interesting..." Kakashi mused. 

"You don't say..." Shiori muttered.

"I'm not doubting your current skills to get by in the academy but dealing with a very interesting...species known as fangirls is particularly taxing, and their population seems to be blooming," Kakashi sighed.

"Personal experience?" Leiko raised an eyebrow.

"How else?" Kakashi laughed a little.

"How wonderful...anyways, I need to get back to the compound. So you know...I can finally tell Sasuke the big secret of joining his class," Shiori said packing up her items.

"It's surprising what six months with social interaction can do to that otherwise stoic character of his. He's actually showing emotions sometimes," Leiko nudged her friend as she slugged down some water

"I'm honestly surprised you two haven't killed each other yet. He was not happy when you called him a prick the first time you met," Kakashi raised an eyebrow. 

Leiko choked on her water, "And how did I not ever hear about this?" 

"Never asked," Shiori replied, "Plus, he was pissed for like two seconds. In fact, I'm convinced that it was Kakashi-sensei's fault. He settled down as soon as you left," Shiori stuck out her tongue.

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