Chapter Thirteen: Journey To The Land of River

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Akiko's pov

Aoi and I arrived and the East Gate to see Kaoru-sensei already there with Leiko and Shiori, each sporting a pack similar to ours.

"Everyone ready?" Kaoru-sensei asked.

We all nodded.

"Let's go then," she said, "It should take us around half a day to reach the borders. we'll set up camp and begin searching tomorrow."

We sprinted towards the exit of the village and immediately took to the trees once were outside.

"Is this your first time out the village?" Kaoru-sensei asked.

"First time since they found us outside the village around a year ago," Shiori replied.

Kaoru-sensei nodded thoughtfully, "This mission is C-rank so it shouldn't involve any ninja on the other end. But be prepared, we never know. Generally, if we are approached by ninja then the mission becomes a higher level mission and we are to withdraw. Like I said, shouldn't happen. But it should be good experience for you guys."

"Kaoru-sensei, why didn't the village ask for Tanigakure to help? The River Country has a hidden village," Shiori asked.

"They did. The mission was passed to the Land of Fire because the enemy were loitering around both sides of the borders to stay undetected. As the bigger country it become our responsibility to deal with situations like this," Kaoru-sensei explained.

Meanwhile, I was tracing my thoughts back to what the Hokage had said earlier...oh no-

"Um...sensei. When Hokage-sama said 'neutralise' the enemy, did he mean...?" I asked tentatively.

Sensei sighed, "Well, generally it does mean to kill the enemy."

We all frowned at that thought.

"Look, I'm not expecting you to kill someone on your first proper mission, but in all honesty...putting it off just makes it worse in the end," she said.

"Well...I've said it before and I'll say it again. We're so fucked," Shiori offered to the group.

"Language," Kaoru-sensei said barely even halfheartedly.

"What a little swearing in a world of killing, hypocrisy and madness?" Shiori retorted.

"Point," Sensei accepted.

We kept up this semi-cheerful semi-morbid banter for about four hours before Kaoru-sensei signaled us to stop.

"We are close to the border. Any further and we risk warning the enemy. We'll make camp here for now," Sensei instructed, "Akiko and Aoi, can you two go gather some resources. I'll go find some water. Shiori and Leiko, you two scout the perimeter,"


(^ if you don't know what hai means, do you even anime? (jkjk but lol))


When we arrived back at the meeting spot we found that Kaoru-sensei had just returned as well, with all our canteens filled and an extra pail of water to cook.In her other hand, several kunai hung from her fingers, each skewering a fish.

She grinned at us, "Let's start a fire. I'll cook and you guys can set up the tents."

We set down the wood and the dry moss for kindling and went to set up the tents.

Shiori and Leiko returned soon after, deeming the entire area safe.

"We've set up trap all around the perimeter so we'll be alerted in anything bigger than your average wolf comes within this area," Shiori informed.

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