Chapter Nineteen: Chunin Exams Pt 4

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Shiori's pov

Three days later, all the contestants were lined up inside the arena, waiting on instructions. A man with a sickly complexion stepped up after the Hokage was finished talking. Although it was the sword on his back that caught my attention. My eyes sparkled in delight at seeing another kenjutsu user. I'm so gonna bug him to teach me.

"Ahem. I am your proctor <cough> for the Third section of the exams, Hayate Gekko. As we <cough> seem to have too many contestants we will be holding a preliminary event. It will be a one vs one elimination style <cough> tournament. Anyone who loses won't be entering the final matches. If anyone wants to pull out, you may. It won't affect your teammates' eligibility <cough> to compete," he explained.

"Hey! You can't do that! We worked so hard to get here!" Kiba complained.

"The rules of the exams say that we can hold a preliminary at any given time to cut down on the number of participants. Daimyos and Kage from all over the continent will be arriving to watch the final battles. We only want to show the very best," Hayate answered.

"I'm sorry, I'm out. I don't have enough chakra to keep going," Kabuto said raising his hand.

Avery also raised her hand, "Sorry, I'm done too. My leg isn't doing me any justice," she gestured to her crutches.

Hayate shrugged, "Your choice. For those of you remaining we will pair your names up randomly with a generator and you will be asked to fight. If I deem one party unable to continue, I will stop the fight."

The generator whirled around till it finally landed on two names.

Uchiha Sasuke vs Akado Yoroi

I looked at my cousin who was decidedly worse for wear. 

Flinching at the sight of the curse mark on his neck I patted his shoulder gently, "Good luck. I believe in you."

He gave me a small smirk, "I won't lose."

And he didn't. As it had originally occurred, Sasuke's curse mark flared up, but he didn't let it control him. Eventually he was able to defeat Yoroi, thus gaining a spot in the finals. I went to congratulate him but Kakashi-sensei whisked him off to seal his curse before I could say 'fuck me dead' as my name showed up on the screen.

Uchiha Shiori vs Tsurugi Misumi

Ah. The defector who has a potential future as a contortionist. 

"Good luck," Choji said, offering me a high-five.

I returned it with vigour, "You betcha, I'm gonna win this!"

"May fate be on your side," Neji nodded.

"Suuuure. But thanks anyways," I smiled.

"Win, yeah?" Leiko asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course."

Etc. etc.

Once I had made my way across the row of people who knew me Tsurugi was getting impatient.

"Hurry up will you? Or are you trying to stall?"

I leapt down the railing without any rush, "Of course not. Proctor, I am ready."

"You may begin whenever."

I immediately leapt back to avoid a fist to the face and flipped backwards, kicking Tsurugi in the arm. He followed on with unrelenting punches and kicks whilst I met with the same speed, all the while trying to formulate a plan.

What to do, what to do?

Seemingly out of it, Tsurugi took this chance to nail me in the gut with a punch then send me sprawling with a kick. I didn't get back up.

Book One: The Era of ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora