Chapter Ten: You Guys Pass

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*Sakki - translated as Murderous Intent. It is the user exuding pure killing intention, which can be enough to paralyse the enemy if strong enough. It is generally confused with genjutsu as victims can experience hallucinations of their own death.

Third pov

"Leiko...what is this?" Neji asked, gesturing uncharacteristically to the ice crystals now surrounding everyone.

"A Kekkei Genkai hailing from the Mist. She can travel at incredible speeds from each mirror and all her attacks reflect from each mirror. We don't have a chance unless we find the real her, which is constantly moving between the mirrors," Leiko explained quickly.

"That's impossible!" Sasuke muttered.

"No it isn't. This is just like how the Sharingan copying techniques should be impossible. It's rare, but it exists," Akiko gritted out.

"Leiko, Shiori, this is up to you guys to protect us. Akiko and I will try get us out," Aoi said as calmly as possible.

"Got it!"

At that the figures in the mirrors all took stance and readied senbon in their hands. As if on a silent command they all threw their needles at once. A single crisp sound of blade slicing through wood and it was quickly followed by many more similar sounds as Shiori and Leiko fended off the attacks.

It took a while but it eventually happened.

Shiori got the first cut, on the calf of her left leg.

"Shit! Sensei, don't hate me but seriously...screw you and your giant wooden toothpicks!" Shiori grew several irk marks and fended of the attacks with renewed vigor.

Kaoru sweat-dropped in the mirrors. Well, they were an interesting bunch.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Akiko shouted, though the clones disappeared as soon as it appeared due to the senbons that pierced it immediately.

Aoi face-palmed. Didn't she learn her lesson from watching Naruto fighting Haku?

"Idiot," Aoi muttered, "At this rate, we aren't gonna survive."

Third pov

Meanwhile, the three boys were all dealing with their own thoughts.

'The girls are all fighting...I can't just stand here and do nothing...I'm not a burden. I am more skilled and experienced than any of them. Plus, what kind of a brother am I if I can't protect my own sister?' Neji thought, 'Clearly not worthy a one,' He answered himself grimly.

"Byakugan!" Deciding that enough was enough Neji assumed his gentle fist position, fingertips lighting up with chakra.

Sasuke made to move to help as well but suddenly, the air became heavy and dense around him. He tried to lift his hand to find it almost impossible...this feeling. It was so familiar. Flashes of that night blurred his vision, the killing intent almost tangible in the air.

What confused him though, was most of it was leaking from the dobe next to him.

For Naruto, it felt akin to something inside himself. Why couldn't he stop trembling? He could feel the sakki* bubbling over in his stomach, almost taking over his very being. He was fixated to the spot, only able to watch on as his new friends were struggling with their sensei.

"Kyuubi," He muttered under his breath in a ragged gasp. The damned fox was getting excited.

Small cuts and bruises had adorned Shiori and Leiko by now but no-one else was hurt by some miraculous effort.

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