Chapter Twenty-Seven: Promotion

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*Tadaima: set phrase of I'm home

Third pov

"Although this year's Chunin Exams were interrupted by Orochimaru's invasion, the Third Hokage was very impressed with your fights. He has recommended all three of you for chunin and his opinion was backed up by the Fire Daimyo. After discussing this with the elders we have reached a conclusion. So I hereby promote you three to the rank of Chunin. Nara Shikamaru, Hyuga Leiko and Uchiha Shiori. Congratulations," Tsunade smiled as each of them were handed a standard flak jacket.

"Good job guys," Shiori smiled, giving each of them a pat on the back.

"Ugh...this is going to be so troublesome. Ino and Choji won't let me hear the end of it," Shikamaru muttered.

"Deal with it buddy. Use that 200 IQ of yours to find a way to escape," Leiko laughed.

As the trio walked out of the Hokage's building all that could be heard were the girls' teasing and Shikamaru muttering 'troublesome' under his breath.


Shiori's pov

Looking at the building in front of me, I reconsidered if I really wanted to be here.

Do I really want to do this? If I did this, it'd be like pouring a bucket of cold water over Sasuke.


This wasn't about him. 

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door before I could regret it. The few seconds of waiting felt like hours. I was so jittery. What if he couldn't teach me? What would I do then? What if this isolated Sasuke from the village even more?

I was dragged out of my thoughts by someone opening the door of the Jonin Standby Station.

"Shiori?" It was Kurenai-sensei.

"Kurenai-sensei," I waved.

She noticed my flak jacket, "Congratulations."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Are you looking for someone?" Kurenai-sensei asked.

" Shiranui-san here?" I asked tentatively.

"The proctor for your final fight right? Yeah, he's here," Kurenai-sensei nodded, "You want to talk to him?"

"May I?" I asked.

"Genma! Get over here!" Kurenai shouted lightly.

"Eh? What do you want. I just sat down!" Came a lazy reply.

"Someone wants to talk to you," Kurenai replied with exasperation, "Sorry, he's just lazy."

I waved it off awkwardly with a sweat-drop.

"Who is it?" he asked as he got to the door, still chewing on his senbon.

"Uchiha Shiori. You remember her from the Chunin Exams, right?" Kurenai asked, "Shiori you tell him whatever it is. I need to go meet my team soon."

I waved my hand, "Thanks! Bye Kurenai-sensei."

She waved, disappeared in a swirl of leaves and Genma turned to me, "Congrats on your promotion."

"Ah, thank you, Shiranui-san," I scratched the back of my head embarrassed.

"So what did you need again?" he asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Allow me to re-introduce myself. I'm Uchiha-Namikaze Shiori. I believe you knew my mother?"

He tilted his head curiously, "And who might they be?"

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