Hot Pursuit

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"There's no use in being angry now," I yelled over the gunshots.

"I have every right to be angry right now!" the last Flying Grayson yelled back.

"I know, but can you save it for later!" I snapped back.

He simply grunted in response but didn't argue. I craned my neck around the smelly dumpsters and shot a couple of rounds. I hit two in the leg, purposely avoiding their major organs. The last three ran around the corner. I called in the two injured men laying on the ground writhing in pain. A medical vehicle would arrive soon, but they weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

"I'm changing," Grayson stated flatly.

Obviously irritated by the slow coming of apprehending the perps. I simply sighed not trying to stop him. He quickly changed as I focused my eyes on reloading my gun. Dick hated using guns because of his mentor, but they were my close friends. 'No killing' doesn't equal 'no guns'. You just have to be a good enough shot in order to ensure no one dies. 

Nightwing scaled the buildings and flew across the rooftops as I followed in the car with my sirens blaring. I held down the button and spoke into my communicator.

"Cobblepot and Grayson in hot pursuit of perps on Julliard and 90."

I let go of the button, "More like just Cobblepot," I muttered. 

I watched my so-called 'partner' glide over the rooftops as I swerved past a red light. I had the cons in my sight and Nightwing was right in front of me. He jumped from the roof landing on the back of one of the criminals as a cushion. He expertly twisted his body kicking the other one in the head. Once both of his feet were on the ground after dodging bullets, he punched the armed man in the jaw making it go slack. 

I pulled into the closest alley and allowed the vigilante to hop in. He changed in the back seat as I reported a Nightwing intervention to the police station. I backed out of the alley and pulled up to the groggy gang members. We both got out of the car and cuffed them. Grayson read them their rights as I remained silent. Once we drove them back to the holding cells where they would be held for questioning. I sighed slipping back into the driver's seat of the car. 

"We could have taken them down without Nightwing," I stated irritated.

"I don't use guns. Plus, it sped things up a lot more. If you were going to complain the entire time, I don't know why you signed up to be my partner," he spat in his defense.

I scoffed, "Actually, I joined the force to be close to Gotham so I could contact Batman and Gordon without having to enter Gotham's borders. I had no clue you would be working here too."

"Why do you always have to argue with me?" Dick asked in pure exhaustion. 

"Why must you always make stupid decisions?"

"I'm not the one who ordered for you to be brainwashed while I disappeared into thin air, never to be heard from again!" Grayson yelled.

There was silence until we arrived at Dick's place. Before he left I stopped him.

"L-look, I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to do because there is nothing I can do to...make up for my past mistakes."

"Just talk to me, just open up a little and explain why. There's no need for this constant hostility," he smiled honestly. 

"Meet on the Holt roof in 30 and I'll try my best," I said as he left and I drove off.

I drove back to my rented apartment and quickly changed. The Holt Hotel was an expensive, luxury hotel that only served Gotham's finest. It was one of the taller buildings in the city, but it was still old. It had a rustic feel to it and most importantly still had fire escapes running along the back side of the building. 

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