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It was driving me insane! Secrets, mysteries, I hate them all. Sure I was a detective, but mysteries that linger for more than a week are just annoying. Not having any answers, any knowledge, it bothers me. 

My fingers were moving as fast as my thoughts across the holo computer. It had to be in the database somewhere, or maybe they were new in town, no, that's not right. They obviously knew me personally, but I don't remember any heroes or villains who fit the description of my shadow.

"Nightwing? What are you doing?" M'gann asked in a suspicious tone.

I whipped around caught off guard. I didn't hear her come in because I was so deep in thought. Plus, she can fly so it's not like I could've heard her anyways.

"A shadow?" M'gann asked while looking at my searches.

"Ya, there had been someone or something following me for the past week! I have no idea who they are, yet they know everything about me. It follows me everywhere and disappears every time I turn around." I said exasperated.

"Are you sure your feeling okay, Nightwing? You might just be feeling paranoid. I know losing Wally is hard, but -" M'gann spoke worried.

"I'm not crazy! It talked to me, it knows my name." I cut her off.

I put my head in my hands in pure exhaustion. I was on the verge of giving up, but the thought of never knowing left an unsatisfied hole in my brain. 

"I think we should talk -" M'gann was cut off once again, but not by me.

"Nightwing, Aqualad, Connor, and M'gann, you're needed in the debriefing room." Batman said over the loud speaker. 

We walked in together to see the rest of the old team members. I miss the good old day when it was just the six of us. I miss the 'covert' missions and the cookies M'gann always cooked. I miss Connor and M'gann's smiles instead of the constant hostility. I miss Artemis and Wally always bickering and Aqualad always failing at keeping the peace. It always brought a smile to my face when I zetaed to the mountain, it's the best clubhouse I've ever been apart of. Wally brought a smile to my face with his never ending jokes. 

I miss Wally. 

"Nightwing. Nightwing!" Batman said sternly snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh? What is it!?" I snapped back angry. 

Batman didn't even flinch, and continued on with his debriefing. I was so angry and I didn't know why, my fists just needed to break something, and destruction was the only thing on my mind lately. 

Then, I felt it. The presence of the mysterious figure always looming over. Watching, recording my every move. Maybe it was my conscience trying to get through my thick skull. It shows up every time I'm venting steam. No, it was real, it talked to me! I turn around and look at the shadowed ceiling. No noise came from it, but my gut was telling me otherwise. I knew it was there so I followed my gut. 

I grabbed one of my sticks from my back and threw it into the shadows above the circular ceiling. It hit it's target and it dropped to the ground. Batman stopped talking and my teammates looked to the ceiling. 

"It's here." I announced.

I got into a fighting stance as the Team continued to stare at the ceiling in confusion.

"Now M'gann." Batman ordered.

M'gann held out her hand as her eyes turned green. Next thing I know, I'm inside my own mind. It was creepy seeing all of your life experiences and traumas floating on screens around you. There were also the good memories with family, but also ones with my new family with Bruce. All of the biggest moments in my life were the biggest and brightest images. I was enjoying myself in some of my favorite memories when someone called my name.

Aves (Young Justice Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz