Complicated Crime

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I'm still unsure what just happened, but I know I didn't hate it. What have I started? This was never going to work and Batman would know soon enough if this kept up. Whatever this was it was going to be hard to keep a secret. I'm starting to regret what I just did, but it felt so comforting, so right. Ugh! Now I won't be able to focus. This girl was supposed to be locked in a cell and I just kissed her. I'm such a dumbass!

"You know this can't change anything. We both know it. I'm still a criminal and you're still a hero.  Ugh, what are we thinking!" she pushed herself off of me. 

It amazes me how such a small kiss could be so harmful, but I loved every part of it. It stung a little when she let go of me, but we both knew she was right. Beside my better judgement, I continued to argue with her.

"You don't have to work for Penguin, my offer of protection will always stand," I assured her.

"It's not that, I'm not being forced into anything anymore. I chose this life, and I want to stick with it. I finally have a goal; I have purpose," she confessed.

"You would choose a life of crime over me?" I whispered a little hurt. 

"No, no, it's not like that!" she fought.

"Well you can't have both Kayo. It's me or crime."

"No, it's you or freedom. I used to live a life in fear, I was literally locked in a cage! With crime there are no rules, no bars, no barriers. I'm free this way, and I love it. You have to understand!" she pleaded.

"Understand what? That unhinged freedom is more valuable to you than a honest life with me, of love... If I should even call it that! You need time to think about this and make up your mind, but I'll be waiting. I need some time to digest this all too..." I snapped.

I grabbed my grapple gun and aimed for the moon. I put my mask back over my eyes and felt a little guilty. How could she kiss me one minute and push me away the next. I thought we were making progress, but it was all just an emotional ploy. I was sick on my feelings being tossed around; I wouldn't allow it. I flew into the sky like a bird and then I felt the freedom Swan was talking about. I was free to go where ever I pleased and do what I wanted, but there was something holding me back, the law of my own morals.

Although I tried to focus on the problem my mind kept drifting back to that moment we shared. The closeness, her touch, I wish I could lean back into it all. Soon enough I couldn't think about anything else as I walked into the Batcave lost in thought. 

"Well you seem happy. Care to share why?" Bruce said with a coffee mug in hand.

Damn it. It was only a matter of time, but I didn't think it would be this quick.

"It was a nice night, quiet, and I couldn't help but go out on patrol," I said still a little dazed.

"That's a big mood swing since the banquet. You seemed uneasy during the speech, why the change of heart?" Bruce questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Can't I just have a good day?" I shot back.

"You saw her, didn't you?" Bruce smiled calmly.

"Saw who?" I asked trying to look like I didn't know but failing.

"Do you really want to do this now, Dick? You come home with the same look on you face every time you see Kayo. Don't think for a second I don't notice the weird glint in your eye every time you come home. I may just be your father, but I still am the Dark Knight, and as both I'm telling you to stay away from her. She's dangerous and you have no business talking to her unless you're taking her to Arkham. I won't make the choice for you, but she still is a criminal," Bruce lectured in his stupid 'lecture-y voice' that I hear way too often.

"Then care to explain Catwoman?" I shot back.

"She... we... It's complicated, you're too young to understand," Bruce said glaring.

"Of course, I'm way too young to understand. Yep, totally," I laughed.

I smirked as I walked off to my room. Sometimes life wasn't too bad, but Bruce was right, she's dangerous. I was going to see the team tomorrow, it was one of our off days. I hope it takes my mind off the whole thing, anything to distract me.


Who's ready for Christmas? Or Hanukkah? Or Kwanzaa? 

This one was short, but I just wanted to get a little Batdad in this book. Also more team moments will be coming up shortly.




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