Dancing with the Devil

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"Alfred, it's so itchy!" I whined.

I went to scratch my neck as Alfred slapped my hand out of the way.

"Master Dick, please don't make this anymore difficult than it already is," Alfred pleaded.

"Are you ready yet?" Bruce said in a caring voice.

"Do I have to go to this stupid charity banquet?" I whined.

"Well, I am the one hosting it. I'm sure the guests will be expecting my son to be there," Bruce reasoned as he adjusted his tie in the mirror. 

"Can I at least leave my hair down?" I asked hoping to strike a bargain.

"Fine, but Alfred, make sure Dick gels his hair to the side so he doesn't look like he was raised by wolves."

I groaned, but didn't complain. These charity balls were always tiresome. We go through the same routine every single time: greet fellow rich people, dance, talk about politics, listen to a boring speech, and then eat. The only good that came out of these banquets was the food. Each dish was hand crafted just for Gotham's wealthy elite. My mouth was watering just thinking of the desserts.

When everything was finally in place we hopped in the car and drove off to the country club. We rolled into the round about with a beautiful fountain at it's center. When Alfred came to open the door for Bruce, lights started flashing. They blinded me as I too stepped out of the safety of the car.

We slowly strolled up the marble steps taking our sweet time. A smile was plastered on my face as I focused on my destination, the front door. When we finally stepped through the doorway, I took a sigh of relief. 

"Hello, Mr. Wayne. It's a pleasure to see you again," a woman said with a fake smile.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Codwell. Have you met my son, Richard?" 

And so the cycle of boredom begins.


After introducing myself to men and women, all of whom were wearing their nicest clothes, my mind was starting to drift. I longingly eyed the snack bar hoping I could slip away and grab myself a bite to eat. Before I could start drooling over the food, the women Bruce was talking to interrupted my thoughts.

"Would you care to dance?" a pretty young women asked.

"Shall we?" Bruce replied while holding out the crook of his arm.

I waited for them to be swept away in the crowd so that I could make a beeline for the snack bar. I marveled at the small sandwiches and delectable pastries. 

"Well you found your way to the snack bar quickly. Grayson, isn't it? I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you yet," a female voice spoke.

"Kayo? Are you the angel sent here to save me from this hell?" I joked.

As I began to turn around the air in my lungs left me. Standing before me wasn't the school girl Kayo I knew, or the notorious bird burglar, Swan. It was a beautiful girl in a radiant white dress who just had the same face. Her hair was braided up with the help of a diamond pin. She had light eye makeup on, which I had never seen her wear before. Her eye lashes cascaded over her cheeks, and her smile was outlined with a light pink lip gloss. 

"Wow Grayson, I-I've never seen you in a suit before," Kayo managed to say.

"Well I-I've never seen you in a dress before, so I guess were in the same boat." I laughed nervously.

There was a moment of silence until we both finally gathered our wits and composure.

"So what are you doing here?" Kayo said, still a little uneasy.

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