Cotton Candy

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I silently tip toed behind Kayo as she leaned against the wall surveilling the courtyard. Her charcoal hair was slowly being pushed by the wind. Her body was relaxed and calm. The breeze was starting to pick up since it was already October seventh. It was a little chilly outside, which was why Kayo had her arms crossed, hugging herself.

"Boo!" I yelled, but not too loud to draw attention.

She spun around and landed a punch on my stomach. I fell on my back not prepared for a fight.

"Oh my goodness Dick! Don't sneak up on me like that! We live in Gotham, you should know not to sneak up on people by now." she lightly scolded while helping me back to my feet.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I apologized. 

She had a quick reaction and her aim was perfect. It was still hard to believe that this was Swan. The girl who stole for a living. The girl who I saw get beat by her father. Most importantly, she was the girl who was my best friend.

"Oh don't take it so seriously Dick. You don't seem okay today. Are you feeling better? Is there -" her concern was cut off.

"Hey Dicky buddy, how's my favorite dork." an older boy said.

He was about a head taller than me and had double the body mass. He came up to me messing up my hair in a 'friendly' demeanor.

"Cut it out Justin." I said as I removed the boy's hand from my head.

"Dicky boy, you never told me you had a girlfriend. But to be honest, she is way to pretty to be with someone like you. Isn't that right beautiful?" he turned to Kayo.

"You know what, you're right." Kayo slowly moved closer to the boy.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach, even if it wasn't physically possible. Did she seriously just say that? Why did I even bother trying to be nice to the new girl? I'm not surprised considering she's a criminal. Betrayal is her middle name.

"I like you, you're kinda cute." she said while outlining his jaw line.

This made me sick, I could feel all of the blood drain from my face. They needed to get a room, and I needed to get out. Justin's words repeated in my head. He was right. Kayo was out of my league, a drop-dead gorgeous girl. I didn't deserve her, but she didn't deserve my friendship either.

"You know it babe." he said and winked.

Kayo then pulled back her arm like a bow and arrow and punched him right in the neck. His eyes nearly popped out of his head and he started to gasp for air. I flinched back not ready for the sudden movement.

"You'll p-pay for t-that!" he gasped.

"What are you gonna do about it? Now get lost you perv!" Kayo spat as Justin staggered away out of breath.

She turned around facing me with a smile. Her happy expression quickly disappeared as she witnessed my pale and shocked face. I quickly changed my expression into my casual appearance, but it wasn't quick enough.

"Dick are you okay?" she asked concerned rushing over to me.

"Do you think what Justin said was true? Why are you my friend anyways?" I questioned unsure what to make of what I just saw. 

"I'm your friend because your the one of the only people to talk to me on my first day of school. You were the one who makes me laugh everyday and helps me with French. Don't listen to Justin, he's just jealous because he doesn't have a friend like you." she said sincerely. 

"But don't let those compliments get to your head." she joked.

"Ya right. Let's get to class." I agreed.


We walked to second period after another successful day in science class. I didn't even notice my face showed my worry until Kayo pointed it out.

"Hey Dick, are you sure your feeling good?" she piped up.

"What, oh-uh ya, of course. Never better." I said failing at hiding my worry.

"I know what'll cheer you up." she said lighting up.

She pulled me out of the traffic of the hallway near the water fountain. She pointed her finger to the colorful paper that was posted on the wall. It showed pictures of a ferris wheel, balloons, and cotton candy. The school carnival fundraiser was being held in the park to raise money for the school. The whole town would be there as they usually were.

"The school carnival?" I questions confused.

"Ya! We should totally go, it'll be fun! Nothing lifts a person spirits like cotton candy and a game of ring toss." she said happily.

"I don't know..." I started.

"Oh come on it will be fun. I'm sure when you ask your dad he'll be fine with it. A little fun never hurt anyone." she pleaded.

"Okay, fine. I'll ask and text you if I can." I agreed.

"Trust me you won't regret it." were the last words she told me as we walked into the classroom.


I just finished editing all of my book and I'm exhausted. We're finally starting to get into the fluffy stuff, so stay traught. 



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