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"Guess what, guess what, guess what!" Wally screamed in my ear.

"Okay Wally, I'm listening." I laughed.

"Their opening a new ice cream shop in Central City! We have to go! September is coming up soon, and by then it will be too cold to eat ice cream. We'll bring the team, and we'll have a great time. Oh, and then we could see..." Wally ranted faster than his feet could run.

"ROB! Earth to Robin! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Wally whined.

"Sorry, but it's hard to pay attention when you talk like that." I smiled.

"No, you were daydreaming. That's a symptom of only once deadly disease known to man. You're in love!" Wally screamed on the top of his lungs.

I jumped out of the couch chair I was sitting in and threw myself at the speedster. Of course with his super speed he dodged me, but I already knew that.

"Oh, who is it? It mus be that Swan chick! She's got you all dazed, but she's kinda cute. I never thought I'd see the day, when -" he was cut off by me.

I threw a two birdarangs behind and in front of him. He was about to laugh at my poor aim, but I just needed him to stay still, while I tackled him down by the legs. He gasped as I tied his legs up, but simply continued to laugh. 

"Aw, someone's embarrassed!" he laughed like the Joker. 

He untied himself quickly, but I was already tackling him to the ground. The team walked in hearing all the commotion, while I holding a birdarang to his neck.

"What is going on here?" Aqualad spoke up in a serious tone.

Wally slipped from my deadly grasp and smiled at the team innocently.

"Robin's in -" he was stopped by my elbow making hard contact to his stomach.

He looked at me in pain, while I simply gave him a glare.

"Robin's going to take us to the new ice cream shop in Central City." Wally laughed nervously.

He scratched the back of his neck while the team simply shrugged their shoulders. Wally being awkwardly weird wasn't anything new. I sighed at the fact that I was now forced to take the team to an ice cream shop, but I was mostly relieved Wally shut his mouth.

"Well, I guess the surprise is ruined thanks to Big Mouth, over here. Get on some civies were going out." I smiled playing it cool.

"Ice cream! I've only had it a few times during my time on Earth." M'gann squealed while changing her clothes into a comfy sweater, black leggings, and a pair of gym shoes.

"Yes, ice cream would be quite enjoyable." Aqualad agreed.

The team changed into their civies and I put on my black sunglasses. I came out to see the rest of the team almost ready. Connor wore blue jeans and a red t-shirt. Megan was talking with him and I think Connor was smiling. Aqualad was dressed in a green hoodie and black jeans, but he was having trouble with a pair of gym shoes.

"I will never comprehend the comfort and use in shoes!" the Atlantean complained.

Artemis finally walked out of her room with her hair down, a knitted sweater, leggings, and knee high boots. Wally turned around and stopped mid-sentence. Artemis walked over to him calmly and simply whispered in his ear.

"You're blushing, Baywatch." she smiled.

"N-No I'm not!" he stammered.

He started to vibrate his face and ran to the zeta beam. He stopped so the zeta could scan him and he was off. Poor Wally, I thought while shaking my head.

"Is everyone ready?" I called back while he zeta beam scanned me.

They were all right behind me when we stopped in an ally in Central City. The streets here were so much cleaner than Gotham. The windows were clean and shiny, unlike Gotham's broken ones. There wasn't a gunshot or siren ringing in my ear. It was calm, Flash ad KF must be doing their jobs.

We all walked out into the street in our civies with smiles on all of our faces. Days off were rare, so we were going to enjoy every part of it.

Once we walked into the ice cream parlor West sped to the counter, not literally, and ordered ten scoops of cookie dough ice cream. The man behind the counter gave him a questioning look, but simply went on with the order. 

Connor ordered vanilla refusing to eat anything else. Kaldur finally decided on salted caramel after looking at the flavors for ten minutes. Megan picked cotton candy right away, without a doubt. Artemis knew exactly what she wanted by picking mint chip, but I couldn't say the same.

I had no idea what I wanted and I didn't want anything the others got. I saw chocolate, but I didn't want to be plain, so when I saw dark chocolate chip I ordered it. Once I payed for my ice cream, I sat down a huge, bright red booth in the corner of the store with everyone else. 

"Dark chocolate chip, that's real colorful." Artemis laughed.

"Says the girl who got basic mint chip." I scoffed.

"At least mint chip isn't as bland as vanilla." Wally stated in between bites of cookie dough.

"Says the guy eating ten scoops of cookie dough!" Connor shot back.

Connor flung a scoop of cookie dough at Wally's face. Wally, being unable to use super speed in public, allowed the scoop to hit him right on the nose. We all burst out laughing, even Connor let out a few chuckles. Then, he all made us laugh harder when he tried to lick the ice cream off of his face. 

It was so peaceful. All of us off duty, and just being normal friends. I really needed this honestly. I haven't had a good laugh in a while. Maybe Batman was right, I needed to let these people into my life. 


Sorry guys, I was really craving ice cream, and I wanted to put a lighter spin on things. 



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