Returning Recruit

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A figure in a black cloak jumped from its hiding place and landed on the ground. It landed on one knee and a hand to balance. It stood up slowly and revealed the face that we were all just reminded of.

Her side bangs covered one of her brown eyes and a silver cloth covered her face from the nose down. The tips of her hair were silver and there was a swan feather in her hair with its tip dipped in silver. Her suit was now silver instead of white, but her boots and gloves were the same. A white whip still hung at her side and there were still pockets along her legs. 

The room was completely silent at a loss for words. She looked at each of us, but refused to look at any of us in the eye. Her trance was broken when a Connor started yelling.

"M'gann?!" he simply yelled waiting for an explanation.

"Why were our memories of Swan erased?" Aqualad questioned.

Even the peace keeper was losing it. We were so on edge from Wally's death, this pushed us all off the cliff.

"M'gann, we trusted you with our minds on that mission. We trusted that you would restore our memories and nothing else!" I yelled.

"I..I..." M'gann stuttered. 

"I told M'gann to erase your memories." Batman cut in.

"What right do you have taking my memories. Just because you adopted me, doesn't mean you own the right to my brain." I yelled.

"You're not even my father, you have no right to mess with our minds!" the Kryptonian joined in.

"I was not asked for permission, this is a complete violation of privacy." Aqualad joined in.

Soon the entire room erupted into an argument. I found myself yelling at Batman and M'gann. So much anger was flowing through my veins, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. 

"I was the one who asked both of them to erase your memories. If your going to be mad, be mad at me!" the silent swan yelled over the chaos.

"You're right. You had no right to do what you did. You can't just take someones memories for selfish reasons." I yelled back and the chaos continued.

A certain speedster slid into the room, that's when the room became silent. Swan immediately reacted by throwing a swanken in front of the speedster. He stopped instantly and turned his head in confusion. I can't believe she still used them after all these years, the weapon I made for her. She pinned him to the wall with her jaw clenched.

"Who are you?" Swan demanded angry.

"Who are you?" Bart shot back.

"What are you wearing? It doesn't belong to you." she said coldly.

"I'm Kid Flash, but you can call me Bart Allen. Secret identities are so retro." the young speedster explained.

"Your not Kid Flash." she growled.

We all stumbled back from her sudden lash out, and she dropped Bart off the wall. She flipped her hood over her head and studied the ground. She looked to M'gann, then she proceeded to walk out of the room without a word.

"Where do you think you're going?" Connor snapped.

"I'm leaving, this was a horrible idea." she snapped back.

"I'm going to have to agree with Superboy. You have a lot of explaining to do that is well over due." Aqualad stepped in.

"Where is Artemis? She agreed she would be here." Swan asked M'gann ignoring Superboy and Aqualad.

"She's coming in right now." Miss Martian replied.

Soon enough the zeta beam announced Tigris' arrival. We all turned to look at the incoming cat. She appeared and stepped into the room looking at our lingering eyes. She soon noticed Bart on the floor and all of our heated faces.

"Did I miss something?" she inquired.

Then she finally noticed Swan and she too joined the silence.

"I know you all have a lot of questions to ask and a lot of anger to vent. All I ask is that you go one at a time." Swan started off seeming better that Artemis was here.

"How did you survive?" Aqualad went first.

"You remember these, right?" she held up a few silver balls, "I covered myself with these in a dome, when the bomb went off I was thrown around, but nothing to damaging. Once I knew it was over, I dissolved the solution to find myself a short ways away from Gotham. I swam to shore and met up with Batman. He let me go under certain conditions. Since then, I've been traveling the world." the girl explained in short.

"Why show your face now?" Superboy asked.

"I h-heard about... about Wally and I wanted to help." she stuttered.

"There's nothing to help, you were too late!" Superboy spat outraged.

"We don't know that he's really gone!" Swan yelled.

"We all saw him die, there's nothing we can do to change the past." Aqualad justified.

"I-It's just hard for me to believe that he's really gone. I came to investigate..." Swan finished.

The room was met with another wave of silence until the speedster in the room broke it.

"Shouldn't the rest of the team get a proper introduction if you're going to be staying?" the young Allen asked.

Batman simply nodded and called for the rest of the Team. They were soon here in a matter of minutes and whispers of suspicion were swarming the room. All eyes were on Swan and she was hiding her face under her hood.

"Team, we have a returning recruit. I think she should take it from here." I said introducing the elephant in the room.

I put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me right in the eye and nodded. She removed the hood from her head revealing her face to the interested crowd.

She took a deep breath, "I'm Silver Swan. I was part of the Team for a while before all of you joined. I don't know any of you and you must feel the same. I hope you all can learn to trust me and I you." she finished professionally.

"Will you be staying?" Blue Beetle blurted out.

She looked at me and then to Batgirl before she answered.

"This is simply a visit. I plan to only help with one mission, if you all will have me." she announced.

"Of course, but what mission will you helping with?" Cassie said excited.

"We're bringing Wally home." Artemis stepped in boldly.



I was wondering if anyone was good at drawing and was interested in drawing Silver Swan for me. I feel bad for not being able to do it myself, but I can't draw. I want my readers to at least get an idea of what she looks like in costume. If you would be interested please don't hesitate. It would mean so much to me if one of my readers drew Silver Swan, so thank you in advance.

(I tried drawing her and... and you don't want to see the rough sketches.) 



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