"Oh, Elias talked to us so I'll leave it at a month. Thank your brother."

"How come I wasn't invited? You fake as hell." Kaleb shook his head.

"I'm not fake."

"You right. You ugly though." He pointed at me, sticking his tongue out.

"Shut up bitch." My dad leaned over and popped me in my mouth.

"Where's mom anyways? Got me eating cereal."

"She's...sleeping." Dad smirked, taking a sip from his coffee.

I got up from the table and grabbed two glazed donuts sitting in the fridge, heating them up.

"Hurry up delinquent. We don't have all day."

"You have ISS too so shut up." I kissed my father on the cheek. "Bye daddy."

Kaleb did the same thing, "Bye daddy."

"Boy get your nasty ass lips off of my face. Don't know what you been doing."

"I knew only mama loved me."

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door with Kaleb right behind me.

"I hate walking to school." Kaleb complained.

When Kaleb got arrested a few months ago, our parents took his keys. He hasn't been in his car since. I came home late for curfew and would've gotten them back last week, but I got grounded.

"So I heard you got Marissa's number. She's a nice girl. I think mom will like her." I bit into my donut.

"Woah, you're getting ahead of yourself Kam. Who said anything about her meeting mom?"

"Well Marissa isn't someone who gives it up easily. I thought you would treat her differently." I shrugged.

"She's a challenge."

"Girls aren't just some level on a video game. Niggas like you is why I stay to myself." I mumbled.

"You don't need a boyfriend anyways. I just plan on hitting that a couple times and leaving her alone. That's not a crime."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever Kaleb. Girls aren't objects that you can use-"

"Shut up Kambria. You always have to start lecturing somebody."

"I'm just saying. How would you feel if somebody did what you do to girls to me?"

He sucked his teeth, walking ahead of me. The rest of our walk was silent.

"Kammyyy!" Alora ran to me.

"Can you be any louder?" Kaleb shook his head as he made his way down the hall.

"What happened?"

"Malina said she wasn't going to tell, but she did anyways. I guess she knew I was lying when I said I wouldn't do it again. I'm grounded until further notice."

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