Prologue: WICKED

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"Dr. Paige," a man who was her assistant greeted, walking through the doorway. He had glasses and short brown hair.

Ava Paige looked up at him from where she was seated in the surveillance room. There was an array of screens in front of her.

"What is it Daniel?" she questioned with practically no emotion on her face.

"As you probably have found out, subject C1, Abigail, got past our guards when we were putting the final subject Teresa into the box of Maze A," he explained, "The good thing is, we got her memory wiped before they were sent up."

Dr. Paige shook her head, staring at the floor, "Why do you think she would do that? She seemed completely loyal."

Daniel shifted the papers on his clipboard slightly, "Well, when we tried to pull her away, she kept yelling the name 'Newt'."

Ava Paige was suddenly intrigued, "As in subject A5?"

Daniel nodded.

"Interesting," the doctor remarked. She scooted her chair closer to the many screens in front of her, looking up. "Can you pull up the conversation those two had after sundown today?" she said it as more of an order than a question.

Daniel went straight up to one of the high-tech keyboards and clicked a few times. The correct video popped up. It showed Newt talking to Abby for a couple of minutes and then kissing her on the cheek. Dr. Paige reached for the controls and replayed it a couple of times.

Her assistant watched her. "Should we send guards with a Flat Trans to get her?" he asked, hesitantly.

"No, I don't believe we should," she turned to face him, "I think the Psychs would agree that we should let their possible relationship become a new variable."

Daniel stood up straight, "Of course, Chancellor. I'll let them know." He left the room.

Dr. Paige sat back in her seat as the video of Abby and Newt continued to replay in front of her.

This is the second and final part of the background prologue stuff. Vote if you liked it and continue on to chapter 1!😊

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