Chapter 25

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Screams and shouts of complete anger were ringing through the walls of the Underswap brothers house in the now quiet Snowden.The screams were the only noise made in the whole town, because no one else was left. Nightmare had already left his mark on this AU, killing anyone in sight, leaving nothing but dust to blow in the wind with the cold snow. From the old Ruin doors all the way down to the Queens castle, a trail of dust covered the ground. Everyone was gone.

Currently, the only building that still had living beings was the Underswap bros house as mentioned before. The windows were thoroughly boarded up on the outside, denying anyone or anything from looking in. The once cheerful Christmas lights that used to shine with so much joy were now off and dark, some of them even broken and leaving glass hiding in the snow. Inside the house, our once chill, fun and collected friend Fresh was making total havoc in the middle of the living room. He was punching and kicking anything he could reach, tying to get the anger out of his body, both of his eyes were covered in a blazing purple fire. Shouts and curses poured out of his mouth with every hit and kick.

Sitting with his knees tucked into his chest and small tears in his eyes as he watched Fresh in his rampage, was Blue. The smaller skeleton was having a hard time processing everything that had happened around him. With Nightmare murdering everyone, losing friends right before his eyes, and everyone fighting and hurting each other. He wrapped his arms around himself, wanting to feel comfort of some sort. His brother Papyrus, or Pap for short, was currently laying down in his room, his arms and legs bandaged and one of his eye sockets cracked, a long jagged scar going across the socket. The last battle with Nightmare and his men took a lot out of all of them, but Pap made it his choice to take the most damage. Next to him was their Chara, carefully tending to his wounds, all while resisting the urge to cry for Pap and Blue. Chara was trying to stay strong for the skeletons sake, but it proved hard to do with everything that happened.

Honestly, if Classic Sans and his Papyrus didn't come to their rescue in the fight, who knows what would've happened. Currently, both of those brothers were scavenging through the underground, looking for any supplies they could use, or even any survivors, but no such luck there. Papyrus was still shaken just like Blue, and he was trying to keep his spirits high, but it proved to be a challenge even for him. Sans was obviously hurt, but he didn't show it as much, for the sake of himself and his brother. His eyes were dark most of the time, his usual amount of puns were never heard. His tears and shaking voice would hide behind the bottle of ketchup he always kept with him, taking large drinks whenever he felt his emotions rising and coming out. 

 All of them were experiencing great pain and sorrow from losing so much.

Especially when they all lost Ink.

The loss of the creator really made an impact on all of them and the AU's. Blue  and Papyrus could still be heard waking up in the middle of cold nights, crying in sorrow for their lost friend. Pap and Chara didn't know Ink that much, but they knew he really meant something to the skeletons, and to see them so sad brought pain to both their hearts. Sans tried to help them during these times, but he wasn't doing too good at nights either. Then there was Fresh......he still couldn't speak of it. His mouth closing shut and eyes turning away every time the little, colorful skeleton was even slightly mentioned. No one ever saw him shed tears, but when it was silent and he was completely alone, they would fall freely out of his empty eyes and down his face. He didn't want to show weakness now, it would make him look vulnerable, and he needed to be as strong as he could be when fighting Nightmare, and for when he gets his hands on Error. The murderer, the waste of a soul, the one who he believed killed the small, lovable, cherished Ink.

Fresh let out an almost feral growl thinking about what that glitched monstrosity had done, sending his fist through the wall while imagining that it was Errors face. Blue jumped off the couch startled by the sudden sound of bones breaking through dry wall, his bones rattling from fear of being attacked again. Blues eye-lights went small as he looked up at Fresh, anger seemed to be resonating off his whole body. A part of Blue wanted to run upstairs and be comforted by his big brother, but the other part told him that he couldn't leave his friend like this. After all, its not like Fresh is gonna hurt him, right? Standing up slowly, Blue started walking up behind Fresh who still had his fist buried in the wall. His hands shook as he reached out to him, feeling afraid of how he would react to someone touching him at this time.

"I'm sorry Blue, I scared you didn't I?"

His reaction was to instantly pull his hand back when Fresh spoke to him, his voice sounded so small and fragile, like it could break at any moment. Blue took a step back, not wanting him to see his still shaking stature. He tried to make his voice have the same confidence and energy as before, but he just couldn't stop shaking.


A long sigh came from Fresh while he pulled his now bruised fist out of the wall, only a few scratches appearing on his hand. Turning around, he wrapped his arms around the smaller skeleton and brought him into a gentle hug, taking note that he was shaking because of him.

"I'm gonna be just fine buddy, just...I'll be fine"

The pain and sorrow in his words went unheard and unnoticed by Blue for he just wanted to believe that Fresh was okay. A smile was on his face as he hugged his friend back gladly, his shaking coming to a stop.


Maybe he was right. The golden guardian always knew how to calm people down and bring hope, so maybe--wait

"Blue, where did Dream go?"


Another chapter! Yaaay :D

This was to thicken the plot a bit and let you all know how our fighters are doing, and obviously they're not doing so good. And what about Dream? Isn't he suppose to be here for his friends? Where could he have gone?

Is he looking for his brother Nightmare. who's planning his next attack?

And what of Ink and Error? What could be happening with them?


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