Chapter 10

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"sTUpId! STuPid! STUPID!!"

Errors glitchy voice echoed through the thick trees that surrounded him. Not another monster in sight as snow fell everywhere. Currently, Error was deep in the forest outside of Snowdin. Which Snowdin you may ask? Well, he doesn't exactly know. He just had to bring Ink somewhere safe and this AU was the one that showed up when he opened the portal to get them out of the void.

He was kneeling on the ground as snow swirled around him.He didn't move from his spot though. He was using all of his strength to smash his head and fist against the rough bark of a tall oak wood tree.The cold snow on the ground had begun to take the heat from his knees, making him lose feeling in his legs, but he didn't care. His hand had begun to bleed from punching the tree, but he didn't stop, His skull started getting small cracks from the constant banging against the tree, but he didn't stop. Blood stains began to show on the bark and splatter on the snow.

Error didn't care about the pain or the blood, he didn't care that he was losing strength or terribly hurting. He felt like he deserved this pain.

"Why did I do this to him?! He didn't deserve it!!"

The cold wind blew all around him sending violent shivers through his whole body. The temperature seemed to get lower the longer Error was out in the snow. Blow after blow, Error didn't stop hitting the tree with his fist or head until it finally fell over. As Error stared at the fallen tree, he couldn't hold it back anymore. All the tears he was holding back started flowing out of his eyes and down his face. Every tear filled with pain, sadness, anger, regret, and guilt. Wrapping his arms around himself, he simply let himself cry kneeling in the snow. After awhile, he noticed that tears were no longer falling off his face,but they were now frozen on his cheeks. He didn't even bother trying to take the ice off his face, he just wanted to stay there, away from everyone.......

Especially Ink.

"He didn't deserve that pain. . . . I did . . . . ."

Finally I was able to get another chapter up! I'm sorry it took so long and I am so sorry that it's so short! I just finally got enough free time to make this chapter and this is all I could do. Well, better late than never, am I right? :D


I promise the next chapter will be longer and better.

Something More (Ink x Error)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα