Chapter 4

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As Ink was walking back with Classic Sans and Frisk to their "New Home", he couldn't help but feel something was off. He felt like there were eyes watching him from somewhere, but when he looked around, there was no one in sight. He shrugged it off and kept walking, but he didn't let his guard down. Something was starting to collect at the bottom of his non existent stomach, and he knew all too well of what it was.

It was fear.

What was he afraid of though? He escaped the fight in one piece, and he's safe here with the UNDERTALE group, right? Error wouldn't come after him again with all the injuries he gave him, right? One thought after another ran through Inks head and the next thing he knows Frisk is snapping their fingers in front of his face.

"Ink? Are you okay? You looked lost for a minute there..."

He looked down at Frisk who was giving him a worried expression. Classic Sans was giving him a worried look too, but he didn't make it obvious. Giving a nervous but convincing chuckle, he rubbed Frisk's head again smiling.

"Don't worry Frisk, I'm fine! Just thinking about some stuff that's all!"

Frisk smiled up at him believing his words. Classic Sans, on the other hand, didn't look too convinced. As they got to their location, Ink smiled at the familiar site of a two story house with Christmas lights on it, despite the time of year it was.

With a big smile, Classic Sans walked up to the door and raised his hand.

"Knock knock"

A slight giggle could be heard on the other side of the door. A sweet voice followed a few seconds later.

"Tee hee, who is there?"

"Heh, Theodore"

"Theodore who?"

"Theodore wasn't open, so I knocked"

A big bellow of laughter came from the other side of the door. The laugh echoed through the woods and through the nearby neighborhood. The door opened wide as a tall goat woman stood there, with long floppy white ears and small pointy horns rested on top of her head,wearing a long purple robe, and the biggest smile anyone could ever have. She wiped some tears of laughter off of her face as she looked at them.

"Hehe, I apologies. My "humerus" got the best of me."

Sans let out a chuckle, then cleared his throat trying to hold his laugh back.

"Heheh, good one. Hey Tori, you remember our pal Ink right?"

She looked surprised for a second, then looked over at Ink and smiled.

"Of course I do! It is so good to see you again!"

Ink smiled and rubbed the back of his head feeling a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, same to you Toriel."

Ink flinched when a wound on his arm opened slightly and started dripping blood onto the ground. Both Frisk and Toriel gasped when they saw the blood.

"Oh my! You're badly hurt! Come with me, I'll fix you up!"

Toriel gently took his hand and brought Ink inside with Frisk following close behind. Classic Sans also joined them, sitting next to Ink who was placed on the couch as Toriel began using healing magic on him.

"These wounds are so did you get like this Ink?"

All eyes were on Ink now. Both Toriel and Frisk with concerned looks on their faces, while Classic Sans still managed to keep his usual smile up, but still giving a look at Ink. As usual, he put on a smile and waved his hand in a dismissing way.

"It's really nothing to worry about. I was just fixing something in an AU and I got reckless. Kind of made a mess out of myself, heh"

Toriel and Frisk kept their concerned looks for a few more seconds, then they let it drop as Toriel finished healing his major wounds.

"Well, I'm glad you're alright. I could only heal your larger injuries, but I could also wrap the rest so that they don't get infected. Are you okay with that?"

Ink smiled and gave her the thumbs up while leaning back on the couch letting out a sigh of relief. A couple hours had passed and they were all still in the living room having pleasant conversations. Ink then realized something and looked over at Classic Sans.

"Hey Sans, where's Papyrus?"

Classic Sans, who was currently holding a bottle of ketchup in his hand, looked over at Ink and smiled.

"He's on a "secret mission" with Undyne. He won't be back until tomorrow"

Ink smiled and nodded at him. He always enjoyed the company of the taller, more energetic skeleton. With his cheery smile and upbeat attitude, he's a great guy to be around.

Frisk let out a loud yawn that caught everyone's attention. Toriel looked at the clock and gasped slightly.

"Oh my, it is far past your bedtime Frisk. Come, let's go upstairs and get you ready for bed"

Frisk shook their head and latched onto Inks waist. A look of determination on their face.

"Nooo! I don't wanna leave Inks side!"

Ink smiled and hugged Frisk tight while ruffling their hair.

"Don't worry Frisk, I'll still be here when you wake up tomorrow."

Frisk smiled and gave Ink another hug before letting him go and skipping up the stairs. Toriel smiled at her child then looked over at both Sanses.

"I shall retire to my bed as well. Sleep tight you two"

She gave them a wave before heading up the stairs behind her child.

"Gnight Tori, night Kid"

Classic waved at them and waited until their bedroom doors closed. He then sighed and looked back at Ink. Taking a sip of his ketchup, he leaned back on the armrest of the chair looking at Ink.

"Ink, be honest with me when I ask this. Did you get those wounds from him?"

Ink flinched a bit when Classic Sans voice changed slightly at the last word. He sighed as he brought his knees up to his chest almost getting into a ball position.

"It's really nothing Sans... we've had fights like this before, and I'm already halfway healed, so it doesn't matter"


Classic Sans let out a long sigh, then there was silence between the two. Another sip of ketchup was taken as Classic Sans looked back at Ink.

"Fine, I'll take your word for it. But one of these days Ink, something bad is gonna happen. Error's  gonna do something terrible and you won't be able to just get up and walk away so easily. Just remember, you don't have to be afraid to ask for help from your friends."

Ink looked up, feeling a bit surprised and touched by his words. He then smiled and nodded his head in understanding. He knows that if a fight ever comes back up between him and Error and he can't handle it alone, all his friends are only a call away. For now though, he can simply rela-



Oh snap. Who's at the door? I gotta feeling you all know who it is.

Next chapter will be soon!

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