Chapter 8

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(Before I start this chapter, I just wanna take a moment and realize, that this story has gotten over 400 reads! I can't believe it! That's so amazing thank you all soooo much! I am so glad that so many of you are reading an liking this!!!
Okay, back to the story!)


And so, another battle between the two went on in the void. The blasts from the Gaster Blasters left scorch marks all over the floor of the void. Blood from both skeletons was splattered everywhere, making the whole place look like a war zone. With smoke everywhere, it was hard to see what the skeletons where doing and where they were. It was all the same, these fights they had never changed.

But, when the smoke cleared, and the battle cries died out, the chaos had come to a stop. Hanging in the air wrapped up in blue strings, Ink struggled as much as he could to free himself. His struggle was in vain, however, when Error tightened the strings everywhere on him, especially around his SOUL. Two glitches out Gaster Blasters were positioned on both sides of Ink, looking ready to finish the job. Error was on his knees, catching his breath from all the fighting. He chuckled slightly before standing up.

"Wow, I gotta say, you really don't know how to hold back when it comes to me."

Ink could only glare down at the smug skeleton. He looked around for his paintbrush until he saw it only a few feet away from Error. He panicked for a split second but then covered it with a stern look, hoping to hide his panic. However, Error had already caught Inks lie and smirked. Walking over to his brush, Error looked down at it with an emotionless stare before picking it up. He twirled it around in his hand then held it up in the air. He looked up at Ink, holding the brush with a tight grip.

"To think, that this big, useless brush, was always the reason I couldn't finish you off. Well, the past is in the past, so let's get rid of this thing, shall we?"

Error smirked as he chucked the brush high in the air. Ink looked confused for a second before realizing what he was doing.

"No! Please don't-!"

The Gaster Blasters fired at the brush, turning it into ash in an instant. The ash slowly floated down to the ground, giving Ink plenty of time to take in what had just happened. His eyes were wide open, and pitch black. That brush.....That was the only thing he's ever had.....Since the beginning.........He couldn't hold back anymore. Ink had finally let the tears he was holding back go free. They flowed off his face and landed on the void floor with a small "plip".

He felt so weak at this moment, crying over his brush like a child cried because of a broken toy. He wasn't just crying because of that though, but because he knew what this meant. He had lost. With his brush gone, he could no longer keep doing his job as a Creator and a Protector. With no weapon, he couldn't stop Error or anyone else for that matter from hurting or destroying the AU's. He could no longer protect the ones who mattered to him. He was now useless....He had no purpose.......

Errors eyes widened at the tears that fell from Ink. His mouth was wide open and he had no response. A familiar feeling was eating Error from the inside, and it began to give him great pain. He knew all too well what it was, and he knew he deserved every bit of it. Guilt.............this was the emotion he's had for his whole life, and now, it was in full force. Now he knew, he couldn't do this....he couldn't kill him, even with the chance he had now, he couldn't bring himself to do this to Ink.

But he had finally done it, Error finally broke the Creator.

Ink struggled no more and simply let himself dangle in the strings. He did nothing to free himself, he said nothing to Error, he could only cry. Lifting his head back up slowly, he showed his mismatched eyes, now having s grey circle in one, and a dull yellow speck in the other. He looked down at Error, a few more tears falling down his face.

"....Well? What's the hold up, Error. You won, I lost. So go ahead and finish this. But please, as my last wish, please stop taking the lives of the innocent. If you take out every living thing, then there would be nothing left for you to do, and without me, there would be no bringing them back. So please.....spare them, and end me in return..."

Error was speechless by his words. He couldn't believe what Ink was saying. The guilt inside of him was getting bigger, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. This was a mistake, he didn't want this to end, he shouldn't have done this to Ink, he didn't........... he didn't like seeing Ink in this kind of pain....

{Error Felt His Sins Crawling On His Back}

Both skeletons said nothing to each other, only the sound of quiet sobs from Ink filled the void. Some time had passed, and Ink had finally passed out from exhaustion. Small tears still making their way down his sleeping face. Error was silent for a moment, then began lowering Ink from the ceiling. He placed Ink in his arms and made the strings around him vanish. Looking at his face, he couldn't help but let a single tear fall down his own face. Seeing Ink like this, was different, and now he's come to realize that he hates it when Ink is in pain. Carefully, without letting go of Ink, Error brought his hand to Inks face and gently wiped the small running tears off of his face. Placing his hand on his cheek, Error rested his forehead against Inks, with small tears falling off of his own face, and landing on the sleeping other.

". . . . I'm sorry Ink. . . . I'm so sorry. . ."

Wow....I teared up writing this one. The feels......

Anyway! I hope you like this chapter, and the next one will be even more emotional! 😃

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