Chapter 22

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Everything changed after that.

With the Creator gone, there was no one left to remake the destruction made to the innocent AU's. He was the only skeleton capable of that job, and now there was no one to rebuild what was destroyed.Evil had began to reign all over the multiverse, causing both people and monsters to die left and right. There were very few protectors left, some of them being Fresh, Blue, and a bright shining skeleton named Dream.

He was seen as the protector of all good emotions, and it was his job to keep the innocent safe and keep their happiness alive. Ever since he was made, this has been his job as a protector, to keep dreams and good thoughts and hopes alive. However, his brother Nightmare, who was the exact opposite of him, was the main cause of all the pain and despair that was spreading through every AU. No one but Dream remembers how Nightmare really used to be, a kind, gentle, and caring protector, and brother. Now, things are different. Things have changed

Dream and the others tried to fight Nightmare and his gang off, but his numbers and strength were too great for the few remaining protectors.

Nightmare was now stronger than he had ever been before, and with Cross and other dark Sans by his side, he was now a recognized threat and fear to anyone who saw him. Dream thought he could get through to his brother and bring him back to the good side, to save him and be siblings again, but he had already gone too far.

There was no Saving him.

AU's we're beginning to vanish left and right. Screams and cries were never heard over the maniacal laughs of the villains. Blood and dust was everywhere in the Multiverse. No one was happy and everyone was suffering through this terror. Nothing but fear, pain and nightmares existed in the remaining AUs.

And where is Error during all this?

Sitting alone in the cold, blank white void, with nothing but a tear-stained face, empty eyes and Inks scarf wrapped tightly around his own neck. The blood and dust from Ink still stained the soft brown material. His hands were a pale black,having such a tight grip on the item. Error hasn't moved from his spot long has it been? In a place like the void, there's no way to tell how much time passes.He could have been here for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, Hell maybe even years. His black bones were nearly paper thin, his clothing still torn and ragged and his soul was small and weak, barely pumping any magic through his weak body. Not a sound could be heard from him, only the small tears he still shed for his lost one could be seen.

Errors voice was lost anyway, either from screaming in complete agony or crying for who knows how long, he only utters one word now, barley above a whisper.


The memory of what happened replayed in his mind again and again, almost as if it was cursed to forever be in his thoughts. The blood and dust from Ink, the sad but somehow still bright smile on his face, the only kiss they ever shared before he became nothing but dust and left his arms.

It didn't feel real, Error didn't want it to be real.

And to think, it got even worse from there. When he felt Fresh's fist collide with his face, it snapped him back to reality. He could remember flying back into the tall pine trees and nearly shattering his skull against the thick wood. The pain spread through his head into his bones, making everything ace painfully. In a blind panic, he lifted himself with the light blue strings at his fingertips and hid within the shadows of the tree branches and only listened at everything Fresh cursed at him.


Chills were running through his body, but it wasn't from the cold, it was the fear itself. The fear of what would happen if he got caught by Fresh. He was honestly surprised that the rattling from his bones didn't give him away, but the harsh wind did a good job of hiding it. A part of him was tempted to come out of hiding and accept what Fresh had planned for him. Death was what he deserved, it was his fault Ink was gone, he needed to pay for it in the only way he could, with his own life.

But something was stopping him. Call it being too stubborn to give up, or too afraid to face his punishment, or anything else. It was something else for Error, and he couldn't describe it at that moment in time. But, it felt as if something, or someone was stopping him from jumping off the branch and facing Fresh. So instead, he opened a small portal and made a quick escape before he got noticed.

And we're back to the now, with Error alone in the vast, empty void. The question, even now, was still in his mind, begging for an answer.

Why didn't I let him kill me? Why did I decide to live?

A warm feeling in his soul was the response he got. He seemed surprised and startled by the sudden warmth. It wasn't painful, it was more soothing, like when a child hears a lullaby. He felt as if a pair of arms were wrapped around him, in a light, loving embrace, pressing into himself. All he wanted to do was return the hug, but the only thing his hands could grab at was the scarf around his neck.

A sad smile graced his face along with a quiet sob.

" was you, wasn't it?........damn it you rainbow bastard, even when you're not still look after me......"

Error secretly hoped that he would get a response of some kind, but no such luck. The void was still quiet as ever. Wiping away his tears with the torn sleeves of his hoodie, he laid down on the cold void floor and curled up slightly, trying to keep warm. He nuzzled his face into the scarf, loving how warm and soft it still was. Slowly, Error closed his eyes, sleep only taking him after he mumbled these words.

"I love you Ink.....goodnight......."

By the time Error fell asleep, a black figure stood a good few feet away from him, watching him with his one good eye. A sinister smile adorned his face as black, sharp tentacles made their way towards Errors sleeping body.

"It's so sweet, it makes me sick. Better fix that.



I hope this chapter is good enough and I'm reeeallly gonna try and make sure that the next one doesn't take a whole month to make.

Something More (Ink x Error)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin