Chapter 18

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Error was currently kneeling on the ground, screaming and slamming his head down on the white floor of the restored anti-void. His voice was echoing all around him, getting louder every time he screamed. His screams mainly consisted of curse words and just gibberish in general.

This had been going on for awhile now. After everything that recently happened with Ink, he was feeling incredibly stupid. He acted like a fool in front of Ink. And what he almost did to Ink....he felt so embarrassed! He became a complete chicken and ran away like a coward!
And that 'sorry' he told him was completely pathetic!! Was that really the best he could do?!?

A good sized dent that resembled Errors face was now on the floor, and it was surprisingly deep. Error panted from exhaustion,feeling dizzy and lightheaded from doing something so stupid for who the hell knows how long. Can't really tell time in the anti-void anyway. Error stood back up slowly, but immediately tripped on himself and fell over right onto his back.

"Uuugh...I'm gonna be sick...."

Error slowly closed his eyes and just laid on the cold floor to rest his body. But even as his body rest, his mind kept bringing up memories he didn't want to have right now. The fights he's had with Ink...The damage he's caused Ink.....All the monsters and people he's hurt......Destroying Inks most treasured possessions........

He growled at himself and slammed his fist down on the ground next to him hard. All of the emotions he had before were now coming back. And those emotions brought back unwanted memories. Remembering the pain that Ink was, the tear streaks that stained his cheeks, the fear that showed in his large mysterious eyes......

Error clenched his fist and grit his teeth at the awful memories of him hurting Ink in all those ways. He expected to get nothing but hate from Ink after all of that, but surprisingly, that's not what he got at all. Back in the Underswap house, he didn't see anger and Ink, he saw concern and worry. The glow in the smaller skeletons eyes sent comfort throughout Errors bones.His soul felt warm and light when he held Ink close to his own body. The warmth he felt was so inviting and intoxicating....he wanted more of it....he wanted Ink to know how he really feels about him...he wants to tell Ink that he lo-


Errors reflexes could put a cat to shame as he jumped up from the floor and away from the voice of the skeleton that just popped up next to him out of kno where. His hand was clutching onto the front his shirt as he tried to calm his soul down. Error was on the verge of another crash but he managed to calm himself down right on time.

His yellow eyes turned into pinpricks as he stared at Fresh. The colorful monstrosity was just standing there with his hands in his pockets and a goofy grin on his face, the glasses covering his eyes read "YO MAN". Error shook slightly remembering the words that Fresh said to him back at the house. The terrifying look on his face flashed through his mind, along with the threat he said to him. He instantly got his strings out, ready to attack Fresh. A look of hatred flashed in his eyes, hiding the small amount of fear in them as well.

"What do you want you damn abomination?!"

Fresh raised his hands in the air defensively and cracked a small smile. His eyes furrowed a bit as his glasses read "CALM DOWN".

"Now hold on glitchy brah. I diddly didn't come here to fight ya man. That would be totally un-rad. I just wanted to have a chitty chat with ya. Dat's all!"

Of course Error didn't trust a word the weirdo said, but he lowered his strings anyway and looked straight at him, showing that he was listening. He still kept his strings ready to attack in an instant.

Something More (Ink x Error)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang