Chapter 7

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"Oh my god can I just land on my face already?!?"

Ink shouted into the black void as he continued to fall. At first, he was feeling scared and worried about where he was and how he would get out, but now, this endless fall was just annoying the hell out of him. After what felt like hours of feee falling, Ink finally had enough.

"Dammit Error! This isn't funny ya know! Get me out of here, I know you can hear me!!"

Of course, he didn't actually know. He was just hoping that Error would by some miracle hear him and finally let him out. Error wasn't in there though, or so he thought.

Let's go to the view that the glitchy skeleton Ink was talking about. He was currently looking at Ink from above making sure that he was in Inks blind spot so he wouldn't be noticed. He let out a small chuckle seeing how his little Ink was so fumed and angry looking......wait...HIS INK?!?

"Why the hell am I thinking like this?!"

Error began to bang his head against the walls of the void. After it had re-built itself, Error had been spending his time in there doing nothing but thinking about you know who. As he looked back through the portal, he noticed that Ink had gone from angry to pouty. His lips were jut out and his arms were crossed against his chest. His eyes were currently shaped as a baby blue circle and a pink star. He had crossed his legs and let out a huff of air like a child would. It was almost adorable how Ink looked right now.....has he always been this cute?.....................WAIT!!

"DaMmiT!! I haTe TheSe tHouGhtS!! geT oUt oF mY hEad!!"

Error screamed as loud and glitchy as possible while he continued to bang his head against the wall. Meanwhile, Ink had heard his scream and began to look around for him.

"Error? Is that you? If you're there will you just let me out of here?! Let's just end the fight already!"

Ink didn't really know if throwing him into an black void for hours was considered a "fight", but at the moment, he didn't really care. All he wanted was to be standing on his feet and face Error like a man.

Error snapped out of his head banging session when he heard what Ink said. A maniacal smile grew on his face as he remembered why he was doing this in the first place. It was all because of Ink. He made him have these thoughts. He made him have these weird emotions, these feelings that he couldn't describe. He hated all these things stirring around in his mind and heart, and now, he is going to pay for making him like this.

"You're right Ink. It's time I figure all this confusion out, and it starts with you."

With a snap of his fingers, Error sent his blue strings into the portal going after Ink. When the strings came into view, Ink began to panic, knowing exactly where this was leading. The strings wrapped around Inks arms and legs and began to drag him up into the portal. Ink clenched his fist preparing himself for anything.
When he was pulled into the void, the strings let go of him, dropping Ink flat on his face.

"Well....I did technically ask for this..."

Ink chuckled to himself slightly at his own inside joke then sat up to be face to face with Error. Anger slowly began to rise in his chest as he stood up and got in a fighting stance. Error stood there, looking at Ink with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Alright Error, let's get this over with."

A couple minutes passed and yet nothing happened. Ink was halfway sure that Error would make the first attack, so why hasn't he? Is he waiting for something? Suddenly, Error let out a soft chuckle which surprised Ink. It didn't sound like the usual deranged laugh that Error always did, it sounded softer, and a little sweeter?

Error was currently looking down at the ground as he chuckled. Ink thought he was making fun of him, but what he didn't know is that Error was laughing at himself. Error thought that as soon as he would see Inks face, his usual anger would rise up and began to attack him. But now? That feeling wasn't there, and something else had taken its place. He doesn't know what it is yet, but maybe.....just maybe......

Error looked back up at Ink with an almost determined look. He knew what to do. With a big smile, Error snapped his fingers, and in his hands appeared......Inks weapons? He then threw them at Ink who caught them looking very confused. He thought that for sure Error would have destroyed them by now, but he didn't......what has gotten into him today?

"Don't worry Ink, today its all going to change. Let's see how this will turn out."

Ink said nothing for he was too confused by Errors words and actions, but before he knew it, Error had already lined up his Gaster Blasters all aiming at Ink. Ink smirked and got into a fighting stance once again, this time with his brush at the ready. Error stood in a fighting stance as well, ready to give his Blasters the signal to shoot.

In Inks mind, he only saw this as another battle, another brawl with his enemy.

In Errors mind, this fight would be the only way for him to solve the biggest question in his mind and heart.

Has the Destroyer truly fallen for the Creator?


Finally! We're about to get into the thick of the story folks! And I swear the good loving stuff is definitely gonna come up soon! See ya next chapter!

Something More (Ink x Error)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن