Chapter 11

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Ink laid there on the couch for what felt like hours. He was just staring at the ceiling, trying to remember everything that happened a little while ago. He rubbed his head trying to remember.

"Okay,, what happened?.......... I was fighting Error............he caught me in strings.........he broke my brush..........he defeated me.........."

Small tears formed in his eyes as he remembered his brush being destroyed right in front of him. He remembered how useless and powerless he felt then, and how he still feels it now.

"I've failed everyone I care about......"

More tears fell from his eyes as he used his hands to cover his face and try to stop the tears. The silent house was only filled with Inks small cries and whimpers. He should have known that this would happen, that he would lose one of these days to Error.


Inks eyes shot open as he moved his hands from his face. His mind racing over 100 miles per hour thinking. Both anger and confusion began to fill him as he thought to himself. Error had the best chance to kill him, he could have just ended him then and there! He could have gotten rid of him once and for all!

.....But he didn't.....

Ink growled slightly and began tossing and turning on the couch. He was furious at Error! The bastard always pulling tricks and traps on him, making him think he'd die at any minute. Then when he actually gets the chance to kill him, what does Error do?! That's right! He leaves Ink injured, weak, and confused as hell!

"What is wrong with you Error?! Why do you do this to me?? Why do you have to hate me!?"

Ink suddenly jumped off the couch with unknown energy and his hands on top of his head griping his skull. He shouted at the top of his lungs up to the heavens.

"And why the hell do I still love you after all this?!"

Time seemed to stop as soon as Ink let those words out of his mouth. His eyes shot open wide and his body still. Did he just say that out lout? Did he really just admit his whole heart? Slowly sinking down, Ink fell to his knees as his arms wrapped around him. Shaking ever so slightly as he sunk in the reality of what he just admitted to the world and to himself.

"I.......I l-love.......Error.....?"

It felt like Inks world came crashing down on him. All the fights they ever had, all the hateful words and actions said and done to one another, instantly gone in Inks mind. All the hate he had suddenly vanished, and was replaced with Errors face. With his rare, real smile and the light in his eyes that Inks only seen once. His real personality, someone who loves puns and sleeping and smiling, instead of someone who only destroys. Has he always felt this way for the glitchy skeleton?......Yes......Ink couldn't believe it. After all this time, his heart finally reveals the truth to himself. The truth of his feelings for Error. No wonder his soul skipped a beat whenever he saw him, or how he had to bite back a smile or giggle when Error did something stupid or funny. Ink always thought those reactions he had were from fear, but now, he realized that it was love.......heh, how think that he loves Error.......

But how is this possible?.......How could he love someone who feels nothing but hate for him? Errors never been anything but cruel and harsh to him ever since they met, but Ink never felt that way for him. Ink has always thought that Error was unique and interesting. And even though he destroyed most of the time, Ink had always managed to forgive him. Sure, the we're both opposites, but why should they act like it?

Standing back up slowly, Ink took a big breath and let out a long sigh. Lifting his head up, his eyes were back to their usual colors. The leftover scars and burn marks no longer bothering him. He stood up tall with a small smile on his face. He had made up his mind, he knows what to do now.

"Error.....when I find you.....I'll finally tell you how I feel.........and I'll end this fight....."

{Ink Is Filled With Determination}

With that said, Ink ran over to the door, swung it wide open, and jumped out into the snow. With his heart as his guide, he sprinted away from the house and past Snowdin heading for the forest. He was going find Error, no matter what.


Whew, finally! I was able to make this chapter! Sorry if it gets kind of confusing in the middle of it, but I was trying to make it a thing like Ink finally opens his eyes and accepts his feelings for Error and stuff like that. So yeah sorry if that part is confusing, please tell me if there is anything I can do to fix it so that it makes sense.


Next update will be soon 🙃

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