Chapter 5

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Augustins' mom prepared lasagna  and lots of side diches.
His dad was there too and so was Augustins' cussin.
We sat down, ate, talked a lot and then his mom was like
"So, have you two been thinking about marraige yet?" she said with a smile.I mean talk about blunt.Augustin looked at me then told her something in Latin.
Everyone there knew Latin exept for me.
His mother suggested that we stay the night,but i didn't  pack any clothes, so i wore some of Augustins' clothes he left behind before moving and i slept in the guest bedroom, while Augustin had to bunk with his cussin.

The next morning, we got up early and went to a local cafe for breakfast and then headed home.
Augustin had to start working the next Monday, so i was a bit sad.

(Tuesday night there was going to be a great DJ at a night club and Lana, George, Augustin and i were going.)

Saturday night Augustin got a call while he was in the shower.
So i picked it up and a womans voice was at the other end, she tought it was the wrong number, but it wasn't  and she didn't  want to leave a message.When Augustin came out of the shower.
"You got a call."i said
"Oh.Who was it?"he asked sitting next to me on the sofa.
"Some woman." i said a bit irretated.
He looked over at me and said "Okay and?Did she leave a message or something?"
"No, she didn't."i replied.
"Okay, well.Thanks" he said while  rubbing Charlie.
The room was silent for a moment before his phone rang again.
Augustin grabbed his phone and walked to the bedroom.
It's  probably that woman again.
I tip-toed to the bedroom door and tried to hear what Augustin was saying, but before i could even hear a word, Augustin appeared at the door.
"Eavesdropping?"he said as he raised an eyebrow.
I just smiled and let out a nervous giggle.
"You don't  need to worry, it's  work related." he said reassuringly.
We both sat on the bed and he continued.
"You know. Sometimes i think, you don't  trust me." he said looking at the ceiling."
"It's  not that i don't  trust you. It's  just that you're  extremely good looking and intelligent and interesting and talented  that there isn't  a woman, and some gays, on earth that wouldn't  want you."i was really honest and guess what Augustin did...
He laughed.
"Thanks, but i prefer woman. And i don't  want other women or gays"he snickered"I'm  in love with you and i only want you."
I smiled at Augustin, you know that 'awwww, thats so sweet' smile.
"I mean sure, 'the no putting your hands where they don't  belong' part is a bit frustrating, but i respect that and if it's what you want then I'll  try my very best." he tightly sqeezed my hands and waited for me to say someting.
"Thanks." i said.Augustin pouted    and then spoke.
"That's  it, just thanks?"
"Well, what did you want?"
"I was kinda hoping that you would change that, 'don't  put your hands where they don't  belong' rule.We could even change it to, 'if you tell me to stop, i pinky-promise that i will'."
Augustin gave me his brightest smile and held out his pinky.
I completed the pinky-promise and Augustin leaned in for a kiss.
Just before his lips touched mine i said
Augustin pulled away
"Oh come on."
"Smooth move, ey?" i said pleased with myself.
"This is unfair...Now the rule applies  to both of us." he said
"Okay, thats fine by me.Atleast i have some self control."
"Yeah well, atleast i don't  need to hug or kiss every five minutes."
"I do not."
"Yes, you do."
"Fine."i said
This just turned into a battle of the sexes.

We went to bed that night and Augustin didn't  even put his arm around me.It was a bit awkward put i fell asleep in minutes.

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