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Harry and Louis return to Manchester in the afternoon. Dawn calls Louis shortly after they're shut the door to their room. She tells Louis that her uncle wants to meet Louis on Friday to decide if he'll give him his apartment. "Wear something nice," Dawn tells Louis, "I don't want my uncle to think that his furniture could be sold on Ebay after you've moved in."

"You're such a bitch," Louis growls, rolling his eyes.

Dawn laughs out loudly. "You old wanker. So it's on Friday at 4pm at the studio, okay?"

"That's fine, bye."

"That was fast!" Harry smiles and gives Louis a hug. "See? Everything will be okay."

Louis blows air through his lips. "You heard it, I have to dress nicely – what the fuck? I have no idea what to wear, I only own band shirts, jeans and a few jumpers."

"Do you want to try one of my black shirts?" Harry proposes, opening his wardrobe. "I think we should have about the same size."

Louis sighs. "Okay, let me try."

Harry pulls out one black t-shirt and two buttoned ones. "Try these and if they don't fit perfectly, we'll go and buy one for you this week."

"I hate shopping, that's for girls," Louis growls as he's pulling his shirt off.

"Then we'll be girls for a few hours," Harry chuckles and throws the t-shirt at Louis who rolls his eyes. When he's put it on, Harry chuckles first, then burst out in laughter. The shirt is a little bit too short and part of his tummy is showing. "Oh god, that looks so funny!" Harry giggles, pointing at Louis. As the boy looks at himself in the mirror, he lets out an annoyed huff, pulls the shirt off and grabs another one.

"I don't think this one will look better actually," Harry giggles as he's holding his tummy.

"Oh stop it," Louis growls as he buttons it and looks at himself at the mirror. "Fuck, I look ridiculous," he says with a smile and unbuttons it again.

"We have to be girls for one day then, I suppose," Harry tells Louis and shrugs.

"I won't have a choice," Louis sighs as he pulls of Harry's shirt. "Put it on," he demands as he throws it at Harry, catching him off guard.

"Why?" Harry asks, frowning.

"Do it," Louis demands as he puts his hands on his hips, his piercing gaze causing his stomach to flip a little. The older boy just stares at him as he's buttoning the shirt that fits perfectly. "Perfect," he says as he's getting up to run his fingers through Harry's dense curls. "You look fucking good in black, so fucking good," he purrs in his ear and starts kissing and biting the younger boy's neck. Harry grabs Louis by his hips to steady himself because the older boy's hot breathing against his neck and ear sends a shiver down his spine and makes his knees become weak. Harry lets his hands travel up Louis' back as the boy pulls away and crashes his lips on Louis', kissing him forcefully.

Just in that second, Louis phone rings. He ignores it at first but as it won't stop ringing, he finally answers it. Louis can't hear who's at the other end because Louis is walking away from Harry, toward the balcony. He pulls a sweater over his head, takes a cigarette out of his package and steps on the balcony, closing the door. Harry tries to ignore the queasy feeling in his tummy as he pulls off the shirt, changes into his comfy clothes and puts the shirts back into the wardrobe. Then he sits down on his bed, watching Louis pacing on the balcony. His voice is loud and from what Harry can hear, it's not positive or happy news.

It seems like ages until Louis comes back inside. "I have to leave for a few hours," he growls angrily.

"What's up?"