Ups And Downs

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The next day, Anne calls Harry to ask what he's doing. They talk for a while and all of a sudden Harry realizes how much he's been missing his family. "Would you like to come over for the weekend? Robin wants to test his new grill he bought from the DIY superstore and he immediately thought of you."

"I'd love to visit, of course!" Harry responds happily. "But isn't a bit too cold for a barbecue?" he asks, frowning.

Anne lets out a laugh. "Of course it is but you know Robin. Always being extra," she smiles. Harry can hear Robin talking in the back but he can't understand what he's saying.

"Say hello from me, okay? And tell him that I'd love to take part in the winter barbecue!"

"Oh Harry, that's wonderful!" Anne squeals. „I can't wait to see you again! Gemma will also be here with her boyfriend so you know what? I thought you could bring your friend Niall along?"

"Mum!" Harry growls. He doesn't like the tone in her voice. She still seems to think that there's something going on between the two of them. "I'm not sure if Niall is free this weekend. He's in his fourth year what means he's busy almost all the time, especially on weekends."

"But you know, you could ask him at least and then surprise me when you arrive. I really hope he'll agree, he's such a nice guy. I could prepare the guest room for him and of course he doesn't need to bring towels and stuff."

"I know you like him," Harry smiles. Suddenly Harry has to think of Louis' childhood. That he doesn't have a mum anymore who could ask him about his friends, that Louis' dad probably never wanted him to invite his friends over. Anne has been such a good mother to him and his sister for years, not only a mother but also a friend. She has always welcomed his friends at home and suddenly Harry feels guilty for being rude to her when all she wanted to do was to invite one of his friends over because she was happy for her son.

"And I appreciate it very much," Harry answers. "I promise I will ask Niall. I'll take the train on Friday afternoon as usual," he suggests.

"Sounds great," Anne smiles. "So I suppose you'll be here around four or five, do I remember that right?"

"Exactly. And you don't need to pick us up from the train station since we're just staying for two days. We won't bring much luggage."

Harry keeps talking with his mum for a while until she ends the chat because the cat has vomited on the white rug. Harry sighs. There was so much going on during the last weeks that he didn't even have time to think about home, his mum, his stepfather, his sister, his beloved cat Dusty. It's clearly time for him to go home again but he won't ask Niall to accompany him, he will ask Louis.


When Louis comes home after work in the evening, he's in a good mood. "Harry, you won't believe what happened," he smiles as he walks through the door, throwing his backpack on the floor.

"What?" Harry asks and puts the book away he's reading.

Louis gives him a kiss and flops down next to him. "First of all, Dawn told me that she wants to make it possible for me to go to further education because she thinks I'm one of her best workers."

"That's amazing!" Harry smiles and wraps his arms around Louis.

Louis nods frantically. "But it will even get better!" he smiles. His eyes are sparkling, his face is glowing. Harry has never seen him that happy before. "Second, Dawn told me that she has an uncle who is leasing out apartments here in Manchester and she promised that she'll ask him for help." His smile is wide. "And third, she offered me a part-time contract at her studio and she told me that she wants to accompany me to the chancellor of our university to find a solution for me to balance work and studies."