A Fun Night With Real Friends

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On Friday around lunchtime, Harry's friend Jonny comes to visit. Harry and him spend the day hanging out together and when they're watching TV in the evening, Niall comes into the room and Harry introduces him to his friend. Niall and Jonny get along really well and they all hang out until late into the morning. On Saturday, they meet up outside the dorm. Harry keeps them waiting as he looks at his phone to check the time.

"What are we waiting for?" Niall asks as he's kicking some pebbles.

"Nothing," Harry mumbles. It wouldn't be a good idea to tell Niall that he's waiting for Louis. "I'm just waiting for another friend," he says after a while, "but I don't think he'll come since he's always busy."

"Oh okay," Niall answers and starts talking to Jonny about some football matches he's seen on TV. Ten minutes later, Louis still hasn't arrived and he's not messaging back neither so Harry finally decides that he's done waiting, that Louis isn't coming. "I should have known," he mutters to himself, tucking his phone in his back pocket. Niall frowns as well, but doesn't say anything. They walk through the entrance door and to Harry's surprise Louis is standing outside the building, smoking a cigarette.

"Well, are we going?" he asks as if he was the one who had been waiting for them.

"What are you doing here?" Niall sputters out, looking between Louis and Harry with his mouth hanging open. He's red in the face and he's gesturing wildly. Louis takes a drag from his cigarette and slowly lets the stream of smoke out between his pursed lips.

"I was invited," he smirks.

Niall whips his head around to look at Harry. "Is this true?" He's waving his hands at Harry.

"Yeah," the boy simply replies.

Harry ignores Niall for a second, looking over at Jonny who is staring at Louis like he's a creature in a zoo. Louis notices and looks over at him, giving him a wink. Louis' reaction makes Jonny turn red and look at his feet. He has probably never seen someone like Louis and Harry chuckles a little. "Okay guys, we need to get going or else we'll miss the bus." Harry motions toward the bus stop.

"You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to ride the bus," Louis complains. "Let's just take my car," he proposes, crushing the cigarette under his foot.

"I won't get in a car with you," Niall states, shaking his head.

Louis just looks at him, clearly amused. "Oh, I . . . I don't know if we-," Jonny stutters, looking at Harry as if he wanted him to tell him this was a joke. When Jonny isn't paying attention, Louis grabs him in a headlock quickly.

"C'mon sweetheart, it won't be that bad," he says mockingly. "Just a little adventurous probably because I'm used to do illegal car races and . . . I'm a good driver, I guess." Niall and Jonny look at him with wide eyes what makes even Harry chuckle. He knows Louis is being funny, as funny as he can be but Harry loves it. After Louis lets Jonny go, Niall and he don't talk to Louis at all. They seem intimidated as they're following Harry and Louis to the car. Maybe that wasn't as funny as Harry thought because Niall and Jonny are talking quietly about that strange guy they met in front of the dorm. This isn't how Harry was picturing his day out with his friends and he hopes dearly that the atmosphere will change soon. Eventually, they all reluctantly agree on driving with Louis. Harry sits down in the front seat and the other two take a seat in the back of Louis' black Volvo. Louis doesn't hold back and drives like he normally does. By now Harry's used to it, but the other two are clearly panicking, so Harry tries to start a conversation. It's very strained and Louis just looks amused by it.

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