"Lord Hanzo, you're exaggerating," you chuckled. "And I prefer being Lady over Princess any day."

"You mean it?" Your words seemed to light a spark of hope in Hanzo's eyes.

"Well, I'm not entirely qualified for either, but...yes. You know what I mean." You laughed.

"Don't marry any of your suitors." He dropped his voice down to a whisper as he leaned in, nearing your face. "I'm certain they're all going to be ugly. They aren't even fit to be standing in your presence."

"What?" you burst out loudly, the air cut from your lungs as your signature laugh tore through the once still ambience. Your lover's eyes widened for a second, but once you pressed on with your giggling fit, he fondly shook his head and succumbed to the infectious sound, sparing a laugh himself.

"I don't know," you sighed. "I mean, growing up I've always found Lord Kiku quite attractive."

"Kiku? Kiku of the Motogana Clan? That man barely has any hair on his body--and his left eye is a little bit higher than his right."

"Oh please, it's almost unnoticeable."

"I bet you his girlfriend broke up with him because he was a terrible kisser."

"No." You waved a finger to his face. "His girlfriend broke up with him because she didn't share...the same romantic sentiments with him."

Hanzo lifted a brow. "Meaning?"

"She was lesbian." You deadpanned. "I'm surprised you don't know this stuff, and you're supposedly the guy who goes out a lot."

"No, that's Genji," he corrected you. "But speaking of going out, how about we head out once more and have a stroll in the park? You know, one last time before you leave. And last I checked, you don't really have that much luxury left at your disposal. So how about it, hm? Tonight?"

"That..." you began with a pause, then with a smile.

"That is a lovely idea. I'm onboard."

The park was bathed in a blanket of faded purple as dusk settled in, bringing forth colder winds and beckoning the crickets to start their singing. Night came by in a snap shortly afterwards and little glowing spheres of orange dusted the tranquil place like fireflies, illuminating the ornamental vegetation that was second to none. Still scattered about were people who enjoyed taking advantage of the outdoors without having to sacrifice facing the burning wrath of the high sun, and as they found solace in this shade, they went about doing their business as some would do in the day time: strolling, buying food from nearby stores, feeding the ducks, walking the dogs, and as for the two of you--sitting down on a park bench on top of a small hill that overlooked most of the activities happening on the place below.

The place was private, with the back surrounded by a dense clusters trees, assuring no quiet entrance. Though hidden, it still made the two of you feel very involved with every individual present at the park.

Momentarily, Hanzo stroked the expanse of your hair upon your back as you leaned most of your weight upon his side, resting your head on the crook between his shoulder and neck. You sighed, and the simple action didn't go unnoticed. You felt your lover shift from under you, and you glanced up to pay him as much heed as you could.

"What are you thinking of, my love?" he asked, chapped lips brushing against the top of your head.

"It's about the emperor's offer," you hummed before rubbing your chilly sleeved arms up and down with your warmer palms. "I've made up my mind."

"And?" He pressed on with a waver in his voice. "What's your settling?"

You leaned further into his touch, and you never felt a man held more tightly than then.

The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X Reader Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن