{13th Part of Benna's Journey}

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As we got out of the truck I grabbed my stuff and we all headed straight to the back of Skya's house. When we got there Skya came and gave me a hug.

"Don't forget to tell them," she whispered in my ear as we were hugging. "Hey!" she said to Miah as she gave him a hug too. She was hugging everyone with one arm and in the other was a giant bowl of cheese puffs.

"Marianne!" Briel came running towards my sister.

"Briel!" she called back as she was jumped onto by an overly ecstatic Briel. They were laughing as Briel had her legs wrapped around my sister, giving her a giant hug.

We all went over to Skya's trampoline which is where we usually sleep when its warm. That means, we were sleeping there that night. I jumped on as Brinson proceeded to try and win a bet with Gus and Briel. They had bet him and Hannah that he wouldn't be able to do a front flip and land on his feet.

"Brinson, come here!" I called across the trampoline laughing to myself. Not that it was a giant trampoline but why be quiet when you can be loud. He bounced over toward me.

"What's up," he whispered with his back turned to everyone. Briel was now sitting in Gus's lap in a lounge chair by at the side of the trampoline.

"Watch and learn." I whispered back winking a him. I had done this bet before and, of course, I won. But, that was a while ago and I didn't think I could do it anymore. I'd been getting a little weak lately. I waved my hand toward my sister, signaling her to get up here. I whispered in her ear what I needed her to do. She quickly did a front flip without a singal flaw. Brinson's jaw dropped from what seemed like all the way to the ground.

"Hey Brins," I turned to see Hannah calling to him. "Your jaw should only drop like that when I walk by!" Everybody laughed. After a few tries and a couple tips from my sister, Brinson got the front flip down pat and made Gus and Briel scarf up 20 bucks. No surprise, Briel didn't "have any money" at the moment and was going to pay Gus "later", in other words, he wasn't going to get anything back. At least he knew it. Gus got up and went inside to grab him and Briel some drinks.

"Imma be takin' my baby out to dinner wid dis," Brinson said waving the money in the air leaning in to kiss Hannah.

"Not unless you're bringin' me to McDonalds. Boy that'll pay for my drink if we go where I wanna go."

"I need to get a job," he whined. Hannah grabbed his chin and they started makeing out.

"Please! Do that somewhere else!" Briel yelled at them. Gus was back and handed Briel root beer in a glass bottle. All of a sudden those to started making out.

"You are such a hypocrite," Skya said rolling her eyes.

"You wanna go?" Briel asked her. Breaking from the make out scene.

"Please! I'd kick your ass in 3 seconds flat," Skya told her. She turned to Drew and started talking to him.

"Whatever. She just jealous," Briel said to no one in particular.

"Bri, you plannin' on stayin' sober for the night?" I called to her sarcastically.

"It's root beer you dumbass," she called back and then laughed.


"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you!" Marianne continued on with the flash light shining up at her face as we all sat in our couples. She was telling scary stories and Drew had gone in to get us all some popcorn. It was dark now and about 12 o'clock. Anna and Jake had gotten here a little after us and all the girls were holding there knees, leaning close to their boyfriends. Just in case a ghost had escaped the cemetary like in Marianne's story. Miah and I were the only ones that didn't believe a single word that came out of my sister's mouth. It was all just crap, although if you were a scaredy cat, it could've been very believable. It was getting to a very intense scene where a girl was running from the ghost but was getting surounded by zombies. Pathetic, I know.

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