{12th Part of Benna's Journey}

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The guns fired, people mourned, and the world looked dull around me. It was Saturday, the day of my brother's burial and the horrifying sleepover. All my friends were here to support and comfort me as I flinched at every gun shot. We, meaning my mom, dad, Marianne, and I had been given an American flag in the shape of a triangle. I hated how perfectly they had folded the flag. If everyone's life was as perfect as that folded flag, life would be a whole lot simpler. Too bad it isn't.


"So nana(pronounded nah-nah), I haven't heard from you in over a week! What happened to calls on Mondays and Fridays?"

"I've just been busy Mare," I told her as she sat on my bed while I grabbed my things for Skya's.

"It's a boy isn't it?" she asked mishieviously. She was 22 but still acted like she was in high school. She was my big sister after all, she had to be cool!

"Uh, no. It isn't" I argued in an annoyed tone.

"Don't lie to your big sis. Mom told me everything," she glared at me with the "I told you so" look on her face.

"She tells everybody everything so don't think you're too special," I was rushing everywhere still packing my bag.

"Yeah... mom can be a bi," she pointed toward me.

"Tch," and we laughed.

"So tell me about him!" she squealed crossing her legs and getting comfy on my bed.

"Well, first off, he's really sweet. He works at Starbucks-"

"I like him all ready. If he sells coffee, he must be great!" Marianne interrupted. We, as sisters, both have soft spots for coffee. She introduced it too me and I got her addicted.

"He has the the most gorgeous eyes and the softest, darkest skin," I was practically drooling when Marianne came in.

"Stop drooling and let me meet him," she demanded. The doorbell rang and bounced off the walls of the house. Marianne jumped up and sprinted," I got it!" I casually grabbed my bag and walked downstairs laughing at her. She could be such a child at one point and then turn around and be a caring, mature a dult that acts like the mother I never had. When I got down there I saw her and Miah talking. Glad to see they got along right away.

"Hey," I said walking up to him giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I'm coming with you to your guy's cute little slumber party!" my sister said trying to imitate a 5 year old, making it clear that she thought we were immature for having this type of event, even though we knew she loved them and had them all the time were her friends.

"Very funny. Definately not," I said starting to walk out the door.

"No worries lil sis. I'm just coming for a bit, make sure you kids behave," I rolled my eyes. "And in case you were worried," she carried on," Miah's gonna give me a ride with you guys so some stranger doesn't try picking me up off the side of the road!"

"You have your own car if you are unaware" I said sternly, as Miah darted his eyes from me to my sister and back again as if he was watching a tennis match.

"Come on nana! It'll be fun and you know it!" Mare said grabbing my bag and putting it in the back of Miah's truck.

"Oh boy," I sighed as we got in the car and started driving to Skya's.


This is going to be fun. Telling everyone my deepest, darkest secret that will ruin the whole get together. Hopefully Marianne will be gone by then. I may just die because of a nervous break down, with nothing to do with my leukemia at all. Now wouldn't that be the sprinkles on the ice cream...


Sorry this ones so short. Promise the sleepover will be longer!




And thanks everybody for reading :) I appreciate it a lot!

I Have a Journey to Tell, I Have LeukemiaWhere stories live. Discover now