{7th Part of Benna's Journey}

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As I got inside my house and shut the door I stood leaning my back against the door, soaked, replaying our dance and the way our hands felt together. I walked up to my room and took a shower. When I got out and did my homework but I kept getting distracted with the image of his beautiful eyes and his sweet, soothing voice. I looked out the window to see that it had stopped raining. The air smelled of the fresh, damp smell that lingers after a long rain.

"Ben!" my mother called up to me from the bottom of the stairs, interupting my thoughts.

"Mom!" I yelled back.

"Come down for dinner!" I got up off my bed and walked down the stairs to see my dad and mom waiting for me at the dinner table. There hands were holding each other, their other hands waiting for me to join them in saying grace. As I sat down at the table, I grabbed both of there hands and closed my eyes, bowing my head.

"Thank you lord for the food on the table and for letting us each live another day. Please take care of Alec for us up in heaven, we know he's watching over us, and help us get Benny- Boo back to normal health. Amen," my father rehearsed.

"Amen," my mother and I chimed in. We imediately dug into the food. I hate asparagus and decided to skip that. As I was eating my mother interupted my thoughts yet again,"Ben, you need to eat some asparagus. It's good for you. And stop day dreaming." She snapped the last bit.

"I don't like asparagus," I told my mother.

"Well it's not too fond of you either," my dad said to me pointing toward the asparagus with his fork.

"Exactly why I should'nt eat it and scare it away," I said with an "i told you so" look on my face. My mother huffed, giving up on trying to get me to eat it. "Can my friend Jeramiah, well, Miah come over tomorrow for dinner?" I asked my parents.

"Sure," my dad said with a smile, as my mom glared at him.

"He your boyfriend?" my mom asked me with a dissapproving look.

"Not yet," I said back to her. She shook her head in disbelief. "Mom, I'm 17! I'm sure you had a boyfriend before this age."

"Yes but that was much different times and much different circumstances," she said calmy as she continued to eat.

"It wasn't that different," I replied getting up from the table. "I'll be in my room doing homework if you need me," I mumbled setting my plate on the counter.

"Benny you barely touched your food," my dad called toward me.

"Not hungry!" I yelled back.

"Just let her leave. She needs to learn she can't everything she wants," I heard my mom whisper to my dad.

"It's just a boy," he said back, defending me.


It was late night or very early morning when I heard people talking and walking down the street. I got up and looked out the window. Sure enough, It was Brinson, Gus, and Miah.

"Guys wait up!" I whispered loudly out my window.as they looked up toward me and the smiled. I was wearing sweatpants, and a sweatshirt as I quietly opened my bedroom door, looking both ways before walking into the hall. I went down the stairs, unlocked the front door and walked outside, closing the door slowly behind me. I smiled and jogged toward them.

"Hey what are you guys doin'?" I asked.

"Nothin' you'd want to do. You wouldn't want to get in trouble, ya know. It's big boy stuff," Brinson said with a smirk.

"Pff, paalease!" I said waving my hand as if to say "yeah right".

"All right, but don't be comin' to us when your parents find out what you were doing at 1 in the morning," Brinson said.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Miah whispered in Brinson's ear. I felt touched that Miah cared about my well beeing.

"How about you tell me what you're doing first," I told them.

"We're going to go paint graffiti," Gus informed me as if it was no big deal. One more thing to check off my list. I grinned.

"I'm going!" I yelled a little too loud and they all shushed me. I followed them to a bridge that went over a road downtown. Brinson whipped out a spray paint can and started shaking it and Gus followed. I turned to see Miah looking at me shaking his head that I knew meant,"I can't believe they got you doing this." I smiled and walked over to him.

"So you gonna show me how its done," I asked him, hugging his arm. He started walking and I walked with him. He handed me a can of spray paint. I followed what he did. First, he shook the can. I shook it too. Then he went and wrote "Benna" in bubble letters. I took my can and wrote "Miah" in bubble letters under where he wrote my name. He then grabbed my hand putting another can in it and his hand over mine. As he guided my hand we drew a heart in between our names. When we were done I turned around as he was still holding my hand over the can. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. I turned back around and started spraying the paint in all of the letters. When we were done we all stood back and looked our beautful art.


We walked back to our houses and Miah walked me to my door. He smiled at me and kissed me goodnight.

"Hey Miah!" I called to him as he turned around descending down my driveway,"I told my parents you were coming for dinner tomorrow," I told him with a giant smile.

"I'll be there," he smiled back. I went inside, quietly taking off my shoes and locking the door. I didn't change, just hopped in bed, under the covers and thought about Miah the rest of the night.

I Have a Journey to Tell, I Have LeukemiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz