23: raina meets bus ride

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"what consumes your mind controls your life"


          I didn't mind sitting alone on the bus ride to the ski lodge. I wasn't the back of the bus kind of person, not liking the boisterous laughter, constant gossip, and silly games of Truth or Dare. I enjoyed the front where most kids slept and the rambunctious shenanigans was quieter due to the distance.

          Most of the chaperones were sleeping, Josh being the only one awake. He had headphones in and liked to look out the window and watch the urban settings change to pretty trees and open spaces. Mr. Matthews was sleeping on his wife's shoulder. When he began to drool, she pushed his head off, forehead hitting the window with a loud thump.

          On the other end of the bus was Farkle and his friends. Riley and Maya sat together. Lucas and Zay sat across from them and Farkle and Smackle shared a seat and shared their scientific conversations. I wasn't mad that they were far from me, and they weren't upset that I was distant. We accepted that I liked my space and I'm glad that they don't push or pry into my life.

          They're great people who are going to do extraordinary things with their lives because that's their nature. Riley is too pure and innocent to not make a change. Maya is to ambitious to not make the world her own. All of them are incredibly amazing.

         But they're not who I'm focusing on right now.

          All I can think about is the fact that during this weekend field trip, I will finally meet Stuart. I can finally put a face to a name, find myself feeling comfort amongst their presence, and maybe even fall in love. It sounds silly because love isn't a common thing amongst fourteen year olds. I doubt I'll really fall in love, but love...it's just a beautiful concept that I can't help myself with considering it as a possibility.

         Suddenly, I feel the leather seat of the bus sink down beside me. Turning my head, I see Farkle and his content smile. He takes out my right ear bud before placing it in his own to listen to my music. I don't mind. I like being close with him.

          "You know, you're not allowed to be walking around when the bus is moving," I tease him. The corner of his eyes crinkle in happiness as he smiles at my sorry excuse of a joke.

          "I like to live on the wild side," he tells me. Laughing, I shake my head side to side before turning to look out the window. "You haven't slept at all this bus ride and I know you barely sleep as it is, so why are you awake?" Farkle asks.

         I shrug. "I just don't feel comfortable falling asleep on a bus all alone."

          He scoots closer, gesturing for me to place my head on his shoulder. Rolling my eyes in a joking fashion, I leant the side of my head against him, eyelids fluttering shut at the contact. Farkle was always so warm, being wrapped up in long sleeved shirts and jackets. His hand absentmindedly intertwined with mine and he places them on his lap.

         "You better be going to sleep," he murmurs against my head.

          "Don't tell me what to do," I whisper back and his chest rumbles with laughter.

          I slowly fall asleep for the next couple of hours that is our bus ride to the steady sound of Farkle's heartbeat and the warm sensation of his thumb running over the back of my hand.


          I woke up to the sound of a scream, head shooting up to meet Farkle's chin in a harsh thump. We both whine in pain, looking at each other through sleepy eyes. I assume he fell asleep as well, but what was that sound that caused the two of us to wake up?

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