14: farkle meets sunday sleepovers

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"for your eyes only, i show you my heart."


          I'm sprawled out on my bed as Raina nestles herself into a bean bag by the television. She's watching some sappy romantic comedy that I just couldn't get invested in, but I enjoyed watching her gasp in shock or laugh along with the corny humor. Her blue eyes wouldn't blink whenever a serious conversation spilled from the television speakers. Raina Faith's lips parted as she watches the boy protagonist kiss another girl's lips that weren't his soulmates. I am mesmerized by every aspect of her and I can't help but fall.

          "I see you staring at me," Raina utters, turning behind her to see my blue eyes trained on her. I was sitting with my back to my headboard, phone in hand as an alibi to not watching the movie. "Why are you staring?" she continues to ask.

          "I'm not staring," I defend, but my cheeks betray me by flushing into a bright red.

          Raina smirks before turning off the television set and waltzing over to my bed to plop herself down beside me. Her back is now against the frame, head lolling to the side to rest on my shoulder as I look down at her with a small smile.

           "You're staring," she says again. She turns so her chin was resting on my shoulder. Raina Faith looks up at me as I now look down to hide my wide smile. "Why are you staring?" she asks again.

            "Go to sleep," I retaliate. She shrugs before pushing herself off of me to throw the bed covers above her head. I laugh to myself because tufts of her dark chocolate colored hair peaked out over the blankets. "I can still see you," I muse as she snuggles deeper underneath to fully disappear.

          I follow suit to sink lower into the covers. Now, we were lying on our sides, face to face, and underneath the sheets of this expensive bed. Our eyes bore into one another's before mine flicker to different parts of her face to admire the beauty it held.

          "Do you find it weird how we've only been friends for two weeks and I'm already so comfortable with you?" Raina questions, slowly growing tired. She is already dressed in sweatpants and a Abigail Adams hoodie. It wouldn't be that much of a hassle to just fall asleep.

          I shake my head. "I think it's great how close we've gotten," I admit. "I like knowing that you're happy and don't surround yourself with toxic people anymore."

          It was true. The past week at school was spent with Raina avoiding Sarah and all of her drama. Raina, even if she was friends with me, tried not to rip me away from my friend group. She was actually content with her new found alone time, and constantly reassured me that she was okay.

          "I appreciate you so much," Raina mumbles.

          I grin. "As do I."

          "My family adores you," Raina laughs. "It's so weird to hear them ask for when you'll be over next."

          "I'll be over soon," I say. "I love your family."

           Raina nods sleepily before rolling off the bed in a pile of all his blankets. She stands slowly. I watch with a confused smile. In all the white sheets, she looked like a ghost floating towards the futon by the TV.

          "I'm sleepy," she announces before hurling herself on the couch. "I'm going to sleep."

          "Raina Faith, bring you and my blankets back over here. You're not sleeping on the couch," I declare.

          Her words were muffled but she spoke through her blanket burrito anyways. "I'm already sleeping."

           I sigh before walking over to Raina and squatting beside her body. She was all curled up in a fetus position, eyelashes pressed against her cheek.

          "Take the bed, Raina," I say.

          Raina shakes her head before snuggling deeper into the covers.

           "I'm going to sleep on the couch, not you. Take the bed," I state.

           "Well, I'm already sleeping on the couch."

           "Raina, you're still awake and talking to me."

           "This is my couch, now. Go back to your bed," she orders in a soft voice. There was no authority in it whatsoever. Her adorable, melodic words made my heart skip a beat.

            "Sleep on the bed," I truly to convince. "I'm sleeping here."

            Raina shakes her head again.

             "You leave me no choice."

             Raina's eyes snap open at my words. Before she could ask what I meant, she feels an extreme weight topple on top of her. She begins to laugh like a maniac as I wrap my self around her, face nuzzling into her hair as she squirms away from me.

         "GET OFF!" Raina cackles as I somehow wiggle myself into a more comfortable position. I lie on the outside of the couch, pressing Raina against the back of the couch, my chest against her back. My leg is slung over her waist as my arms encircle her torso through the blankets. "FARKLE!" she whines, feeling me hum against her body.

          "I'm kind of comfortable now. I might just sleep like this," I joke.

          "Good night, Farkle," Raina Faith murmurs into the blankets.

           My brows raise in surprise with the fact she's alright with this. I couldn't believe I was blessed enough to actually be lying beside such a beautiful person, inside and out. She's absolutely breathtaking. We're friends. I never thought in a million years that we could be more than just strangers. In the beginning of the year, I didn't think this could even be possible.

          I let my eyes fall shut, heart hammering against my rib cage. I worry that she'll feel it against her back, but all I hear are her soft snores.

          "Good night, Raina Faith," I whisper into her hair before I fall into a state of slumber like the girl beside me.

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