15: raina meets love notes

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"nothing in this world will ever hurt more than when your heart and your mind are in two different places."


I was making my way down the stairs of Topanga's late one Tuesday night when I suddenly stop at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Usually, many people were spending their Tuesday's at home by seven o'clock. I'm normally one of those people, but ever since Farkle got me a scone from here the other day, I was craving for another one.

My footsteps cease as the sound of someone speaking floods into my ears. It was familiar and unfamiliar all at once. Nervous to see someone from school, I reach the bottom step, the one that jutted out farther than the rest, and peek around the railing to see Lucas Friar, who's back was to me. He has a paper in his hand as he faces the brick wall of the coffee shop.

"I remember every single word you've said to me. All the silly ones. All the serious ones. Meeting you was...meeting you...WAS THE WORST AND BEST THING, UGH!" Lucas says, starting off soft and mellow and slowly escalating into a loud scream that ended with a kick to the brick wall. He instantly whines in pain before gripping his foot and hopping around to see me. I didn't jerk my head back fast enough. "I saw you. You can come out," he coaxes.

Sighing, I hop down from the last step, an awkward smile gracing my face when a look of shock overcame Lucas' features. "I just wanted a scone..." I mumble, tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"You're Raina Faith, right?" he questions. I nod slowly, still getting used to that two namer thing. He suddenly breaks out into a smile before gesturing me to come sit down at one of the small tables outside of the cafe. "It's so nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

My first thought was Sarah. Sarah had been telling people certain rumors that were slowly knocking me down the ranks of the Abigail Adams Social Hierarchy, but I liked the solitude it brought me. Beforehand, I was never alone with my thoughts. Now, I'm slowly starting to meet myself again.

"Good things, I hope," I say, my voice small and shy.

"Great things actually."

I didn't think Lucas knew just the kind of effect he had on the people around him. Lucas was a gorgeous human being, causing girls to swoon and guys to grow envious. Farkle would joke around and call him a scientific impossibility to be that pretty. I never understood him until I actually looked into the depths of Lucas' green eyes, searching for some fuzzy feeling to erupt in my stomach. It never came. All I could do was compare his irises to the ocean like serenity I get when I look into Farkle's.

"You know..." Lucas began, shuffling the loose leaf paper in his hands. "I've seen who you were when you were friends with Sarah, and I'm really happy to see who you are after."

"Aren't you supposed to be the guy who barely speaks his mind?" I question, remembering the description Farkle have of him one night we spent in his movie theater. We watched The Princess and the Frog and sang along to the jazz-like soundtrack.

"I only speak when there's a lot to say." Lucas looks down to his papers. "And right now, there are so many unsaid things that I need to say."

Glancing to his paper, I see messy, boy-like scrawls written across the paper. There were many things crossed out and there were noticeable places where the pencil eraser wore down the surface. On each side of it, there were many notes written down, and you can see the sheer effort out into each syllable.

"You need help?" I ask.

Lucas looks at me with surprise. "Seriously?" he questions in disbelief. Confused, I nod to restate my offer with a mere gesture. "Yeah...okay."

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