Chapter 6- Mistake

Start from the beginning

"Yes. I am." I sarcarstically said.

She gasped.

"Meanie!But I still think your blood smells good!so I will still be your friend!"

I sighed.

This woman has some nerve.

She then looked at my attire for a second.

"H-hey!Why do you have on Lord Crowley's coat?" I asked.
I shrugged.

She frowned and then that turned into a sly smirk.

"Oh oh. I get it now~" she cooed.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

Oh no. Not this.

"Don't worry I wouldn't tell~" she teased putting a finger to her eye and winking.

"No Chess. It's nothing of that sort." I muttered closing my book.

I got up with her following.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

She then answered.

"I was sent here to get a higher iq. But I don't see a machine." She said with a scowl.

No way!!!!!

I face-palmed.

"Here." I said taking up some ramdom book

Oh little did I know that was a huuuge mistake.

I shoved it at her.

"There . That's the machine. Look at the words and read." I snapped.

She smiled.

"You're the best ever!!" She exclaimed tackling me into a hug.

I nodded.

"Thanks now read."


Some stuff there. Just sayin

I was with Horn and Crowley . Horn and I were playing some chess while Crowley was reading some papers with his ever lasting smile.

"Omg!!!!!!" Came a loud voice all of a sudden

Crowley sighed.

"What is it now Chess?" He asked annoyed yet with a soft tone.

"Kayana is a pervert!!!!" She yelled pointing an accusing finger at me.

I was beyond shocked.

"W-what!?" I said surprised.

I swear. Did she see my secret stash of Crowley shirtless phot-I mean what secret stash. Ehem *cough* *cough*.

Horn scowled.

"Impossible. She is one of the most innocent vamp- I mean beings I've ever met." She justified.

I am. I just got a slight issue from Ferid. He's the perverted one messing me up.  But. I only go as far as the photos.

"Lies!!" Chess yelled.

"Chess. Have respect for M'lady." Horn scolded.

Crowley rested down his papers with a bored look.
He then rolled his eyes.

"Chess. How did you even come up with this?" He asked yawning showing his fangs.

"Look at this . Read it!" She said with a deep blush on her face yet a smirk.

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now