Chapter 12

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Adrien POV

     After Marinette told me she kissed another guy, I felt betrayed. Why would she do that?! I thought we had a deep connection, but obviously it was just one-sided.

     I lie in bed, stuffing myself with strong scented chicken to extinct the smell of Plagg's camembert—they were so small but they damn well stunk up my entire room—cheese slices. Just now that I thought about it, I realized Plagg hasn't said a word since we got home.

     "Aren't you gonna speak?" I stated, more snotty than I anticipated.

     "Me? What about you? I thought you'd be piping up to go and apologize to Marinette." He sassed.

     "Apologise? What in the hell would I do that for?!" I whisper shouted, to wanting to get in trouble with my father.

     Have you not realized that you screamed at the love of your life, for telling YOU that she kissed YOU?" He flew in my face, waving his hands dramatically.

     "Wait... Oh shit.."

     "Yeah, 'oh shit' is right."


I know, I know. Short chapter with lots of cussing. No judgement please, I love all of you guys for staying here and waiting for the updates, and being supportive. I feel like its a lot to ask for but I'm so thankful ;)

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