The Gift Of A Lifetime

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My phone: I thought you didn't want me?

Ally unlocks the door and we walk in. Warm air comforts me. Friendly pictures on the wall smile down at me. Even the lamps glow with love.

My phone buzzes as we enter the living room underneath the stairway.

Right now: Camzzzz: I want you.

My heart jumps out of my chest and I feel my cheeks grow warm. I'm snapped out of my blissful thoughts by Ally's mom, Patricia, voice.

"Lauren! Honey, it's so wonderful to see you again." Patricia beams, eyeing my bag. "Are you staying the night?"

"Actually, Mom, can we talk about that?" Ally hums softly, her eyes locking with her mother's.

"Of course. Lauren can stay the night, you know I don't mind." Patricia smiles warmly in my direction. I awkwardly smile back, gripping onto my phone for comfort.

"No, with Dad. This is important." Ally says sternly. Patricia's smile wavers for a second but she then nods.

"Okay." She agrees, calling up to her husband, Jerry. "Dear, can you come down here?"

A muffled "I'll be down in a second" is the reply. Patricia leads us over the leather couches in their living space. I sit by Ally, nervously snapping my fingers together to soothe myself.

Patricia sits in front of us, expectantly looking to the stairs for her husband. I feel my phone buzz again but I don't check it. I don't want to come off as rude or arrogant.

Jerry comes down the stairs, his brown hair neatly trimmed. I haven't seen him in a while so I smile at the man in the red shirt.

"Lauren!" He beams when he sees me, his dark eyes lighting up. "I haven't seen you in forever. How's it been going?"

"Uh," I chuckle nervously. Thoughts of Camila dance around my head. "Good. You?"

"Better now." Jerry smiles, siting beside his wife. He looks over at her and then at Ally and me. "What's goin' on?"

"Ally said it was important." Patricia replies, looking over at us with care. "Whenever you want to start, feel free."

Ally looks over to me for permission. I nod, meeting her gaze.

"Lauren is gay and—"

"So are you!" Patricia shouts, cutting her off. Ally looks at her mother with utter confusion. "I always knew it! That's why you won't let us meet your boyfriend because you're dating Lauren and that's also why you've never brought any other guys home!"

"No," Ally laughs, pressing her palm to her forehead. "Mom, I'm straight. My boyfriend is Troy and the only reason why you haven't met him yet is because he's been working overtime."

"Oh," Patricia relaxes in her seat, smiling nevertheless. "Well, even if you were gay, we'd love you the same. Back to Lauren; yes, dear?"

Ally exchanges glances with me and I begin to speak. "I'm, uh, gay." I drawl. It feels so weird coming out of my mouth. But it feels right. "My parents—well, I guess not any more—the people who made me found out that I was gay and they kicked me out."

Patricia brings her hands up to her mouth in shock and Jerry frowns in disapproval. But it's the kind of disapproval I want to see—the kind that assures me that being gay is not wrong and that my parents—those people—were wrong.

"I was thinking Lauren could stay with us." Ally says softly, her eyes on her mother and father. "Permanently."

"Oh, baby," Patricia coos, placing her hand on my knee. She meets my eyes. "I'm so sorry to hear that. You can stay here."

"Permanently?" I try not to allow hope to creep into my voice because disappointment feels like concrete when you hit it.

Patricia looks over at her husband and Jerry sighs. "Yes. I can take extra hours and we can figure out the whole getting you on our insurance thing later. But you have to wash the dishes every other night." A teasing smile crosses the man's face.

"Are you serious?" I beam, grinning. "I'd wash the dishes every day!"

Jerry puts his hands in the air. "You said it, I didn't."

I giggle but then sigh softly. "In all seriousness, are you sure? I don't have to be here all the time. I can—"

"Lauren," Patricia politely interrupts, her warm gaze comforting me. "No child should have to go through what you had to go through. You should feel love because you are loved. Not hate. Jerry and I always wanted another child but... she died too early." Patricia looks down in sorrow. I place my hand on her hand which is still on my knee.

"And we've known you for years, Lauren." Jerry steps in, glancing at his wife with worry before looking forward at me. "We will support you; lesbian, straight—doesn't matter to us. As long as you're happy and safe."

I'm so used to hearing only negative things about my sexuality and I'm used to being disappointed. So, naturally, I try to backtrack through everything. "But the money. I don't—"

"I will take extra hours." Jerry assures me, smiling. "Please, stay here. It's the least we can do. You deserve a place warm to sleep every night and a family to call your own."

I'm speechless. I feel tears prick my eyes. But they aren't sad. They're joyful.

Jerry tilts his head to the side and smiles. "And your girlfriend can come over whenever, too."

Shock dries out my ecstasy. "I-I don't have a girlfriend." I stammer, feeling embarrassed.

Jerry chuckles, a smile on his face. It's so strange to see a smile when discussing a girl. "Those texts seem to say something else."

I look down at my phone which is still clasped tightly in my hand. I smile when I see the messages. I have about thirty-four messages of hearts from Camila. She's so supportive. I guess I didn't notice the buzzing because I was so excited.

"That's Camz," I sigh happily, still looking down at my phone. "She isn't my girlfriend but... I really like her."

I can see Ally grinning so widely, I'm worried her face might break. Red hue blotches my cheeks. Jerry and Patricia coo at me.

"Please, darling, make yourself at home." Patricia hums, motioning to the stairs.

"You can share my room!" Ally beams, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

I flash her a grin and walk over to her parents. "Thank you so much, Jerry, Patricia. I'm so very grateful."

Patricia pulls me into a hug and I immediately allow myself to relax. She scent is soothing, more soothing than my real mom's ever was. Clara's smell gave me a headache.

"Please, call me Mom." Patricia hums, rubbing my back. "It would make my whole life to have two little sunshines calling me Mom."

"Okay, Mom." I squeak, feeling a tear run down my cheek. I look over Patricia's shoulder at Jerry. "Dad?"

He nods, a watery smile on his face. "Dad."

Ally takes my hand again, squeezing it tightly. I smile at her.



A/N: hallo! It's only been 8 days. Better than 11, if I do say so myself. I know, it's shorter than normal. I'm sorry. But HEY, Camila's album is so good! My favorite, if I had to pick one, is definitely In The Dark. So good.

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please star it. Thank you so much and have a spectacular day! I love you!! :)


(P.s: this isn't edited. Sorry :(...)

Say You Won't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora