The Coward & The Hero

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I make my way to first period, dodging the students lingering in groups along the lockers and doorways. Dinah and Normani have already parted to go to their classes and Lauren wasn't here.

I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Probably just late.

Lucy spots me, pushing past two guys to get to me. She smiles at me and waves politely. "Hey."

"Hi." I reply, flashing her a half-smile.

"Mind if I walk you to english?" Lucy proposes, the smile still not leaving her face.

"I don't mind." I shrug, falling into step with the girl beside me. Although, I'd rather be walking to class with Lauren; we can't all get what we want.

"So, how was your weekend?" Lucy inquires, even though it's Tuesday.

"Pretty good, actually. Yours?" I respond, humming softly.

"Mine was—" Lucy's sentence gets cut off by a smacking sound and a yelp from her own lips.

Vero, the girl from lunch and my art class, appears with a smirk on her face. Clearly, she slapped the girl's butt and she's definitely proud of it.

"Vero." Lucy complains, shoving her friend in the side. Vero laughs, a broad grin stretching across her face.

"It was funny." The brunette defends herself, her eyes sparkling as they gaze at Lucy. Then she notices me. "Oh, who is this?"

"This is Camila." Lucy addresses me timidly.

"Ohhhh." Vero drawls, a smirk appearing slowly on her face. "This is who I've been hearing about constantly. Isn't it?"

"No, it's not." Lucy protests stubbornly, her cheeks flushing red and she crossing her arms. "You're the most annoying and nosey person I've ever met."

And with that, she stomps away from us. Vero cracks me a smile and I can't help but reflect it. She is very pretty. But she then runs after her friend, yelling, "I love you, too!"

So, alone, I continue to make my way to english. I'm almost to english, I can see the door, when I feel a rough hand grasp onto my wrist. I wince in pain.

"Hello, my favorite freak." Austin growls affectionately, yanking me toward him. I squirm in his hands but he is stronger than me.

"Why can't you get a life and scram?" I snap as he brings me up to his face. I can see his ugly green eyes and chapped lips up close. Disgusting.

"Too busy ruining yours." Austin hisses. He continues before I can get another word in. "So, tell me, are you and Lauren a thing? Because you've been acting very friendly toward each other these last few days."

"Just friends." I snarl, crinkling my nose defiantly and glowering into his dreadful eyes. "You said it yourself. 'Very friendly'."

"Oh, Cabello." Austin sneers, his lip curling to reveal nasty teeth. The smell of his breath makes me nauseous. I can faintly hear the bell ring in the background. "You're so incredibly stupid."

"Mhmm, look who's talking." I cock my head to the side; a sign of confident. In this case, faux confidence, but who really cares?

"You think you're so cute, don't you?"

"I mean, you did ask me out, so you must, too." I retort, narrowing my eyes. Austin seems a bit off-put by this response, but he shakes it off quickly.

"You should still go out with me. I mean, if you aren't dating Lauren. And, anyway, that was before I realized what you were." Austin shakes his head like a disappointed mother. "A dyke."

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