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The bell rings in the middle of Mr. Gill's sentence. He grumbles when the kids grab their backpacks and rush out before they hear that he has to say.

"No homework, I guess." He mutters, sitting back down at his desk and rubbing his temples in slow circles.

"You would think he hates his job." I comment to Normani while whispering, leaning close to her ear.

"You don't need to think about it. We know he does." Normani snickers as we leave the math room, passing by the gym door. We don't stop again today.

"Hold up, what about Lauren?" I inquire, furrowing my eyebrows in concern. Lauren is here today, why aren't we waiting? Normani continues to walk, through the doors and everything.

"She went home early." Normani explains, stepping off the sidewalk and crossing the street.

"Wait, where is Dinah and why aren't you going back to dance class?" I ask, feeling very lost right now.

Normani rubs her arm awkwardly. "Dinah took Lauren home and I didn't want you to walk home alone again, so I'm skipping dance today."

"What? No. Mani, you don't have to skip dance for me." I rest my hands on her arm, squeezing it gently.

"I want to, for you." Normani assures me, smiling softly. "It's fine, Mila."

She seems extremely sincere but I don't want to be a bother, making her miss dance class and all. But bothers also ask too many questions. Ugh, I'm so conflicted. I just keep my mouth shut.

Normani occasionally bumps her hips into me, trying to get me to smile but all I can think about is Lauren. Why did she leave early? She wasn't sick.

"You know, if I have something on your mind, we can talk about it." Normani says suddenly, rubbing my shoulder.

I take a deep breath. "I'm just so confused."

"So am I, Mila." Normani assures me. "Dinah and Lauren don't tell me anything, either. Same with Ally; she knows nothing, too. Dinah is the only one who truly knows. But, I can sure guess."

"I barely know Lauren. I thought I knew her better but I guess I don't." I admit, sighing.

It feels nice walking home with Normani, she has a different point of view and I particularly like it. She sees things differently, like they have so much more value than they truly do, and they all have beauty and hope in them.

It's a refreshing feeling.

"I feel that. Dinah used to feel that way before as well. Lauren keeps her walls high. But one night, Dinah went over to Lauren's house and all I heard from Dinah was that Lauren couldn't stop crying and spewing everything at her." Normani runs her hand through her hair.

Imagining Lauren crying relentlessly makes my heart ache. Her eyes shouldn't shed tears. No sadness should ruin the beautiful. But sadness lingers throughout beauty.

It doesn't have to ruin everything, though.

"Camila, you can always talk to me." Normani hums, wiping something wet off my cheek. A tear. I'm crying? What is this girl doing to me?

"Lauren is just worrying me." I murmur, taking a deep, shaky breath. Is that really it?

"Is that really it?" Normani asks, her eyes meeting mine. Crap, can she read my mind? Or am I just really bad at being subtle? "Or is there more?"

"She didn't sit with me today. She hasn't talked to me willingly since the incident with Austin. I told her I cared for her but she said I was lying. She is becoming distant." I share, feeling a lot better surprisingly.

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