Dinner & Explanations

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"Camz," Lauren nudges me in the side gently, causing me to groan in protest. "I need to get home."

"No," I argue, hugging her tighter. I wrap my legs around her waist and curl around her whole body, my face in her neck. Her soft vanilla scent soothes me. "I won't let you go home to those terrible people."

"They'll kill me if I'm not home by dinner." Lauren sighs, kissing my forehead tenderly. "I'm sorry."

"Just..." I trail off, pulling away from Lauren slightly so I can see her face in all its beauty. "Stay safe, okay?"

"Anything for you." Lauren smiles cheekily. My cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. I pull myself up, allowing Lauren to get to her feet. The loss of her warmth makes me frown.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I hum expectantly, meeting her strong gaze. She takes my hands slowly, her warmth melting into me again. A smile messily melts across my face like candle wax.

"Only if I see you." Her eyes glow. I roll my eyes playfully because she's such a dork. "But, Camila, uh, before I leave, I have a question."

"Yes?" I hum, squeezing her hands tightly.

"I was wondering, pending how you're feeling about your mother, of course, if you'd like to go out with me sometime..." Lauren's eyes drop with loss of confidence and uncertainty but quickly resurface to mine. I feel my heart melt onto my ribcage, splattering onto my stomach.

"Oh my god, yes!" I grin, beaming. My smile then falters into a dead line. "But what about your parents?"

"They don't have to know." Lauren smiles, shaking her head. "It'll be our little secret." Her eyes gleam with mischief. But the kind of mischief that drives someone to go crazy. Crazy for the burning feeling of passion. The mischief that passion drives in the form of goosebumps down my arms.

I giggle, feeling like a little kid. "Whatever you say. When?"

"Whenever." Lauren rubs her thumb against the side of my hand soothingly. Her features contort with hope. "Tomorrow?"

"For real?" I ask, astonished. The old Lauren would never have ever made a move. This Lauren has touched the light and it's finally shining through.

"Yes," she grins widely, the smile eating her whole face. "Where do you want to go?"

"Surprise me." I wink, biting my bottom lip gently. Lauren's cheek grow a red hue and she nods.

"Aye aye, captain." Lauren kisses my cheek. I beam, my enthusiasm showing through my facial features.

"I'll walk you out." I place my hand on the small of her back. I lead her down the hallway and steps, all the way down to the front door.

"Hey, there's my beautiful daughter!" Alejandro comes over when he hears us, immediately enveloping me in a tight hug. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face at his warmth.

"Looks like my job here is done." Lauren smiles a crooked smile.

"No way." I break out of my father's embrace and I wrap my arms around Lauren's neck quickly. She laughs, hugging me back.

"Jeez, whatever you did to her worked." Alejandro beams, walking the couple of steps to stand right by us. "Thank you, Lauren."

"Anytime, Mr. Cabello." Lauren nods her head.

"Call me Alejandro."

"Yes, of course." Lauren laughs softly. "Alejandro."

"Thank you." He smiles. I detach myself from the green eyed girl. Lauren gives me a look only for me, a look full of admiration and passion. Alejandro doesn't seem to notice which is good.

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