"I swear he's like 40 and not my type he's just a nice guy"

Hugo's disappointed by my boring news, he Sighs and turns up his nose making me laugh.

"So what happened with you and Zach"

He pulls a face, he always does the same. He meets the love of his life but finds something with break by up with them for by the end of the week. He must have been with most of New York.

"He's too... normal"

Wow this is a new one " and being normals bad, how can someone be too normal"

"I can't explain it, he was boring. There was no drama or excitement. And he even read the newspaper at breakfast, could you imagine me with someone who reads"

"Right" I have no words, the excuses are just getting worse. It's like Hugo wants to be alone. He's been with so many good men but he pushes them away, it's like he thinks he doesn't deserve to be happy.

We say our goodbyes in front of the club where he works as I walk to the stallion. 5 hours at the club then I was going to the bar with the girls, we had brought a change of clothes this time so we couldn't be mistaken for high class hookers. We had decided to drink at a cocktail bar in celebration of the exciting changes that Derek promises at the club. Hilary had called me the day before and said the club was busy, Derek had been doing some promotions and had even had leaflets handed out at the weeks sporting events.

My eyes widen as I walk past the front door of the club, there's a line. I don't think there's ever been a line into the club. I walk around the back and see Chastity smoking in full costume agains the back door.

"It's busy, what's happened"

Chastity takes a large drag of her cigarette before replying "free lap dance and bottle of champagne per group of 10"

"Free lap Dance and who exactly will be paying the dancer"

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, they end up arguing about who gets the free dance so we do a deal so everyone gets one." Derek replies as he walks out of the club.

I had to give it to him it sounded good, I just hoped it was a long term solution. 

I dress in a small army outfit and wait to be called on stage. 

The crowd is loud and boisterous, there are eyes focused on me everywhere I look. Notes are thrown to the stage as I dance to the techno beat. I free my breasts as I approach the men in the suits at the end of the walk way. I move down so they have access to my thong, they proceed to place notes in my throng and garter. I'm almost bouncing as I return to the dressing room. I have never had so much cash from dancing on the pole. I have to give it to Derek he really pulled through.

As soon as it turns 1 me and the girls are in the changing room getting ready for our night of fun. I dress in my nude body con dress and gold heels before removing some of my thick make up.

We link arms and walk the short distance to cocktail bar. I order an old fashioned and take a seat at the high tables.

"Let's get absolutely trashed" Gemma screeches, we all clink our glasses with her in agreement.

"I can't believe that weird guy tonight" Hillary says.

Did I miss something , I don't remember anyone being particularly weird.

"Which guy"

"The guy with the oxygen tank, he was like a hundred."

I shake my head, I really don't recall seeing anyone like that. I sometimes get so lost in the music that I don't notice anyone.

"How did you not see him, he's the one that was throwing the hundred dollar bills" Hillary says happily.

I did get a few hundred dollar bills but I really didn't notice who had thrown them.

"I'm surprised he didn't have an heart attack. When I took my bra off his eyes almost popped out of his head" Gemma jokes.

We all laugh and joke about the night and the man who I still cannot place.

"Ladies, the man at the bar sent over this" a waiter says as he places a bottle of champagne and 6 glasses.

"Which man" Hillary asks readjusting her breasts so they are under her chin.

I look to the bar and smile where I see Darcy smiling at me. I wave and he waves back.

"You know him, is he from the club" Chastity asks , I can feel the curiosity seeping from their pores.

"No he's a family friend "

"So he doesn't know about the club"

I shake my head and go to thank him.

"Thanks for the bottle, would you care to join us" I ask as I take the stool opposite him.

"That's an offer I would be crazy to refuse, I like your dress" his eyes have a cheeky glint in them as he speaks.

"You do"

"Yeah I like imagining your mother seeing you wearing in and what she would say" he smirks and I find myself doing the same.

I look down at my dress and imagine my mother's reaction. I could imagine her saying that I look naked and being appalled.

Darcy orders another bottle of champagne and a single glass and follows me to our table.

I introduce him to the girls who swoon like their talking to George Clooney, it's so embarrassing.

"So what are you lovely ladies celebrating"

"Do we need a reason to celebrate, We're young hot and single. Well apart from those two" Hillary says pointing at Chastity and Gemma.

"For the right man that can change" Chastity says with a wink.

Darcy flushes a little.

"So how do we all know each other" Darcy asks. All the girls look at me for an answer.

"We work together" Gemma finally replies.

"I told you at the wedding we're strippers" I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

"So secretive Ms Gilmore, you do know sarcasm is the lowest form of humour" he playfully chastises.

Chastity is the one to reply and I can only shake my head " I thought racism was the lowest form of humour"

Darcy smiles "I stand corrected"

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