Headcannon 25- Jily wedding

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"James and Lily wake up!", Remus shouted.

"Whoa! What happened? ", James asked, looking shocked.

"Is something wrong, Remus? ", Lily asked.

"The wedding is in three hours. You both are getting married today", he said.

"Oh! Oh! Right", James said, his mind clearing.

"I knew Firewhiskey was a bad idea", Lily said and walked out of the room.

"I'm getting married today, Remus. To Lily. You know I liked her for so many years. She's like perfect", James said.

"I know, James. Go and get ready", Remus said, pushing him into the bathroom.

Soon, Remus woke up Sirius and Peter and told them to get ready.

"Remus, I'm so happy. I'm marrying Lily. But, I'm scared too. Do you think I'm getting married too early? I don't know. Maybe, I should've waited a year or two. But, it's Lily, I'm getting married to. We've been in love for ages. But then", he said.

Remus slowed the car and slapped him hard.

"Shut up, you're doing the right thing. Now let me drive", he said. James shut up finally and all four of them got down from the car. Their wedding was a simple affair in the backyard of his parents' house.

Sirius straightened James's tie and adjusted his coat.

"Hi boys. How are you all? ", Mrs. Potter asked.

"We are fine, mom", Peter said.

"James, I'm so happy today. Lily looked very beautiful in her wedding gown", she said.

"Where's dad? ", Remus asked.

"He's overlooking the arrangements. We only have an hour or so for the wedding. Everyone's here, though. Hagrid, professor McGonagall, professor Dumbledore, the Longbottoms arrived half an hour ago. Shacklebolt, Slughorn and the others are on the way here", she said.

"Remus, I think I lost my best man speech", Sirius said.

"I thought so. That's why I duplicated it. Here", Remus said, giving a piece of paper to him.

"Thanks, Moony", he said.

"So, James, let's go", Peter said and all four of them stood on the stage.

James started crying when he saw Lily and it took a long time for him to stop crying but he stopped eventually and both of them exchanged vows.

James put an arm around Lily when she got upset that Petunia didn't come and comforted her. Lily's parents hugged James and he promised them he would take good care of her. James's parents hugged her and thanked her for marrying James while all of them laughed. Sirius broke down but James and Lily assured him that nothing would change and he could visit them anytime he wanted.

Sirius, Remus and Peter all three of them gave long speeches with a lot of deer puns and inside jokes that most of the people couldn't understand what they were talking about or why James and Lily were howling of laughter. Professor McGonagall danced in turns with each of the Marauders while Lily danced with Dumbledore and Hagrid.

Everyone knew James and Lily were the perfect couple ever and it was the happiest everyone was since the war started so many years ago.

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