Headcannon 19- Marauders and their things

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James Potter absolutely loved his broomstick. From the first one his parents bought him when he was three to the one he had when he was seventeen. James brought professor McGonagall in the middle of the night to cast some protective charms over his broomstick before a match. He fell asleep hugging his broomstick too often. He called his broomstick by different names around his friends. Lily found all of this hilarious.

Sirius absolutely loved his motorcycle. He spent hours repairing and polishing it and didn't mind even if his face was greased. He spent hours searching through muggle shops for the perfect tools with Remus or Peter. He bought it when he was fourteen from a muggle shop just to shock his parents. When he was stuck in his miserable house, he spent hours meddling with it. Regulus helped him too sometimes and they talked a lot at that time. In the middle of the night, Sirius and Regulus used to fly around and marvel at the beauty of the night.

Remus absolutely loved his chocolate, books, sweaters and tea. All of his sweaters were monochrome, always in red, black or grey and oversized. He would wear his sweaters even in summer. All the three other marauders used to 'borrow' his sweaters all the time. He didn't allow anyone to touch his books, not even Sirius. He cast a spell on it which made anyone except him, if they touched his books, to be thrown into the air. And his chocolate, he refused to speak to James for a week, when he ate his chocolate. Tea, was something he couldn't live without. He drank tea in the morning and the evening. James, Sirius and Peter once bought him a mug with a wolf drawn on it.

Peter had a beautiful photo album of his friends. The first one being on the night of the sorting, to James's first match, their first prank, their first detention, their first trip to Hogsmeade, the time they met during the holidays, James with his broomstick and one with his teammates, Sirius with his motorcycle, Remus in the library, the four of them staying up all night and talking and laughing. Himself, with the boys laughing or playing. There were also a few pictures of Dumbledore, McGonagall and Lily. The last one was on Lily's and James's wedding.

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