Headcannon 15- Remus and Dumbledore

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"I'm sorry, professor. I don't think I'm qualified enough for this job", Remus Lupin said.

"No one is more qualified than you. I assure you", Dumbledore said.

"But, you know what I am. I can harm someone", he said.

"Don't worry, Remus. Severus will help you. Everything'll be taken care of. Just say yes", Dumbledore said.

"I am not strong enough, professor. Forgive me. I don't think I can look at the castle and not think of everything I've lost. You have done a lot for me. You accepted me into Hogwarts, which no one headmaster would have done and I'm eternally grateful for that but I'm sorry. I can't do this", Remus said.

"You do know that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, right? ", Dumbledore asked.

"Yeah. I heard", Remus said.

"He's trying to harm Harry. I believe that's why he escaped. Tell me, Remus. If you accept the job, you can keep an eye on Harry and protect him. You can repay James for everything he has done for you", Dumbledore said.

"Professor", Remus said.

"I'm leaving then. I'll go and search for someone else for the job", he said.

"I'll do it", Remus said.

That's why Remus Lupin accepted the job.

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