Headcannon 22- The "Marauders"

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James and Peter had fallen asleep in the library. Their mouths hanging open. Sirius was on the verge of sleeping. His face was on Remus's shoulder and his eyes are half shut. Remus shakes his head looking at the three and continues poring over the dictionary he brought from his house.

A word which sounds cool and means "mischievous people". They had been searching for the past two weeks for the perfect word to name themselves. Remus was now looking at words starting with the letter 'M'. There was only fifteen minutes or so, until the library was closed.

His eyes caught a word on the last line- "Marauder - a person who marauds, raids".

"It's perfect", he thinks.

"Guys, I think I found the word", Remus says shaking all of them awake.

"Yeah, what word? ", James asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Marauder", Remus said.

"The Marauders. It sounds perfect", Sirius said.

"So, who are we? ", James shouted.

"The Marauders", Sirius shouted and all four of them were thrown out of the library but it was worth it. They found a new name for themselves- "The Marauders".

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