Headcannon 24- Expecto Patronum

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James thinks of Lily's bright red hair, emerald green eyes, the sound of her laughter especially when it's him who made her laugh, her smile which lights up his world and her stern look when he messes up, when he casts a patronus. He also thinks of Remus, Sirius and Peter staying up with him when he can't sleep before a big match. He thinks of the time Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup and the time he and the marauders chased each other around on brooms at his parents' house. Soon, there's a majestic stag floating in the classroom.

Sirius thinks of the time he bought his flying motorcycle and he and Regulus flew around on it. He thinks of the time he was first sorted into Gryffindor, away from his stupid family. He thinks of their first prank and their first detention and smiles involuntarily. He thinks of James's grin when he catches Lily looking at him, Remus's smile when he gets a perfect grade and Peter's laughter when he makes a joke. He thinks of the time he called James's parents mom and dad, and they said 'yeah? ' instead of being confused. He thought of the time when their map was finished and all four of them were jumping up and down with happiness. Soon, there's a giant dog jumping around.

Remus thinks about the time Dumbledore told him he was accepted into Hogwarts despite being a werewolf. He thinks about the time James, Sirius and Peter found out he was a werewolf and didn't push him away. He thinks about the time they all told him they had become animagi for him. He thinks about the time James, Sirius and Peter camped outside the hospital wing until Madame Pomfrey allowed them to see him. He thinks about the time James sneaked into Hogsmeade when he ran out of chocolate, Peter knitted him a sweater when his old one had a hole in it and Sirius ran around him in circles in his animagus form until he felt better. Soon, there's a massive wolf gliding along.

Lily thinks of the first time she showed accidental magic, when professor McGonagall told her about Hogwarts and that she was a witch. The time she was sorted, her first perfect potion and Slughorn smiling at her, when she found out she was made a prefect and the proud look on her parents' face. The time she got her O.W.L results. The time she saw James comforting a first year who thought he wasn't brave enough and thought he wasn't that bad. James's nervous smile before a match and his wide grin after they win the match. His smirk when he has a better come back than her and his eyes when he talks with her. The way he keeps meddling with his hair unconsciously and the way he chews on his quill when he's anxious. The way his face lights up when he sees her and the smile which comes and never goes. Soon, a doe erupts from her wand and gallops through the air.

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