" Priya. is something wrong with your sister?"

"as a matter of fact,everything. she will not speak anything till I say her to do so. now you get on with your work. i will see you both soon. I will come soon "

Khushi nodded and signed me to start. Priya leaves from there to workout. i decided  to tell my love for Priya to her after finishing it.

deep down, I felt very bad for Khushi. she wasn't allowed out until Priya accompanies her. Priya never even send her to any outing or tours . but she never tell anything to anyone.

then I started to explain about management skills. after an hour and thirty minutes or so,  khushi slept in my shoulders . god,what am i gonna do with this girl!

then I shaked her up and she wake up rubbing her eyes . she asked me in sign whether it's over.

"yes. now I want to say something."

I turned to the other side as I become nervous and words are not coming from my mouth.

I stammered " I."

before I can even start , khushi left. instead Priya was there.

she was panting and made her lips wet with her tongue. her lips are always inviting and tempting one alongside her eyes. I shrugged away those thoughts.

"Can I see your room?" I wondered, with a suggestive smirk. 

"No, I don't think that's a good idea," I replied quickly. 

"Aw, c'mon, you can't just invite someone into your home and not show them your room!" He whined. 

"Well, too bad. We're not going in there," She muttered before sitting on the couch. I silently slipped away to her room.

Priya's POV:

It was quiet for a few moments,and when I looked over, I saw him gone form the spot where he was currently standing. My eyes widened, and I ran up the stairs, looking around frantically. I soon heard a deep chuckle coming from down the hall, and I ventured into my room, only to see Rahul sitting on my bed, looking through my photo album which I made during college. 

" hey!" I screeched, snatching it away from him."You used to like Bobby Deol?" He asked, before bursting into laughter.  

"I thought I told you not to come in here!" I scolded.He just shrugged, before standing up and looking around my room. He saw my  trophies, my piano, my dresser, and then my bed."I didn't know you are a nerd" He said, while examining a trophy. 

"I was once . " I told him. 

He then walked over my piano, looking through my sheet music, mixing all the papers up.

 "Hey! Don't! I need them in order!" I exclaimed. He just smirked, before dropping them to the floor, having them scatter everywhere, "Whoops."

"What's your problem?!" I yelled, while picking them back up, and putting them back in number order. I set them gently and neatly down on the piano, before looking over and seeing him on the balcony. 

I walked out, having a gust of wind smack me in the face, making my hair whip me in the face, which resulted in him laughing."I'm glad you find that so humorous," I grumbled, while rolling my eyes and pushing my  hair back in place. 

"Let's go back downstairs," I suggested.

 "Nah, I like your room," He argued.I grabbed his hand, leading him out by force. Once we got downstairs, I realized that I was still holding his hand,which made me quickly let go and blush. He smirked, noticing my blush. 

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