Chapter 15 | Movies and Exams

Start from the beginning

All of us walked to the same bus so we could go to Jeremiah's house and watch movies. Braxton was also riding along because he left his red 4 wheeler at home due to the arrangements we had made. Samantha and Jeremiah shared a seat together as usual and I patted the spot next to me for Braxton to sit. I leaned my head on Braxton's sculpted shoulder and minutes later, the bus started to leave the parking lot.

The bus screeched to a stop and the four of us, along with one other student, piled off of the bus. All of us walked over to Jeremiah's white house along the sidewalks, I could feel the cold pavement under my black hightop converse. I zipped up my coat a little more before letting out a sigh, my hot breath showing in the cold hair. The four of us were walking in sync, our shoulders almost touching.

We were at the front of his house and I swung open the door to enter. As soon as I was in, I ran up the stairs to put my stuff down in Jeremiah's room. I thought about thanksgiving at Jeremiah's house, his sculpted arms around me, he was there for me. He gave me a talk saying that I am strong and I can face my father. We sat on the bed and we were just, well, us. He's an amazing friend who deserves more credit for how he comforts me in times that I need the comfort.

The door creaked open and I jumped.

"Don't worry, it's just me." Jeremiah said with his hands up. He chuckled.

"Anyway, what's taking so long? I would have thought that you got lost if you weren't familiar with the place."

"I was just thinking." I smiled at him and gave him a hug, my head resting on his chest. He returned the hug before I released my grip.

"What was that for?" He questioned in his silly voice, giving me a goofy, lopsided look.

"I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you being such an amazing friend." I said before I patted him on the chest before going down stairs. He followed after me and we went into the den that had a nice L-shaped couch and a big flat screen tv.

I wanted to sit in the corner, my favorite spot, but Braxton took it before me. All of us sat on the section that was facing the tv, the other part completely abandoned.

"I'll get the popcorn!" I said excitedly as I slid on the hardwood floor since I took off my shoes. One sock was zigzagged and the other was polka dotted; both of the socks were very neon. After a few anticipated minutes were over I pulled the popcorn out of the microwave and I poured the popped kernels into the bowl along with the other bag I had just popped. I skipped back into the room and sat down on the couch between Braxton and Jeremiah.

We decided to watch some Christmas movies, starting with the first two home alone movies which are hilarious. We laughed, smiled, talked, and chilled on the comfy couch for hours leading into the late evening. We finished the two movies, along with numerous amounts of other movies. It was 11:23 in the night and we were on the Christmas movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas, one of my favorite movies. I was tired and I could barely keep my eyelids open. The words that I heard on the tv were disoriented and all I heard was a random swirl of sounds.

Everyone else was already asleep. Samantha had her arms wrapped around Jeremiah and Braxton was sitting up while sleeping. He was originally resting his head on a pillow that was on my lap because I was quote 'Too boney to lay his head on.' As I drifted off into sleepy land I leaned in to a warm body. My head was on their strong shoulder. I rested my hand on their steadily rising and falling chest. I was knocked out solid.

I woke up, the glistening sun shining through the window that was slightly frosted over. I was leaning on the warm body of a muscular guy, turning to see that it was Jeremiah. His arm was around my shoulders and he was sleeping soundly. This felt very awkward so I peeled his arm off from around my shoulders and some warmth disappeared instantly, making me shiver.
I pulled Braxton's grey hoodie that was hanging on the couch over my head. He moved slightly when I grabbed it but he went back to sleeping. It smelled of freshly cut wood with a tint of something sweet. I inhaled deeply and sighed loudly.

After getting up from the couch I slipped on my converse from yesterday and stepped on the porch, allowing the cold air to hit me. Goosebumps formed on my arms underneath the cloth of the hoodie.

As I was just blowing into the air to see my breath, I felt a sudden warmth behind me. I turned around slowly and I saw the blonde hair I was used to.

"You scared me Braxton." I chuckled nervously and he grabbed onto my hand.

"Let's go for a walk, I know a cool path behind your and his houses. "

"Okay!" I dragged him to behind the house into the wooded area. Once we were there, I allowed him to show me the way. We walked alongside each other, silently thinking about our thoughts. That didn't last long.

"Hey, Ada, why have you been treating me differently for the past few weeks?" Braxton said with an insecure voice, instead of the usual deep, confident voice.

"Well, you didn't go to my thanksgiving dinner when you said you would, you didn't even answer my texts. And after that you kept on being tense whenever I make physical contact with you." I let out a big sigh that I didn't know I had and my breath was showing in the air again.

"You didn't tell me that." He snapped as his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry, I meant to, really," I replied, looking up at him with sorry eyes.

"Sorry isn't good enough," he mumbled in response, leaving me unsure of whether he was speaking to me.

"And don't you snap at me, I didn't do anything wrong." At this point I was irritated and I wanted to go home.

"Don't you dare talk back to me like that!" Braxton responded with, almost yelling. He started to move closer to me. My back hit something rough, it was the tree behind me. Tears were threatening to spill out. When I was trying to find a way to escape him I felt his hand slap against my cheek.

My mouth formed into an o shape and my left cheek stung. I tried to find the words to say but I couldn't, I was choking over my words. Braxton finally backed away from me, moving his hands off of the tree trunk. He walked away, his hands resting on his head.

I scurried to my house as quickly as I could, holding back my tears. What will my parents think of the bruise that will probably form due to the fact that Braxton is definitely stronger than me? Before going to my house, I went to Jeremiah's to get my stuff from yesterday. I walked in but the house was empty, I headed up the steps.

Jeremiah's door was cracked open so I opened the door. When the door opened, Jeremiah's lips were connected to Samantha's, Samantha was smiling. I quickly closed the door and stomped out of the house, I wiped one eye that let out a tear, and then another, followed by even more tears. How could the start to winter break get any worse.

I hope that you guys are happy with this part and there is more to come that is up my sleeve. Are you guys surprised with Braxton's actions? Do you think that Ada will dump him? Or will they continue to stay together. I guess you'll just have to stay tuned to find out! Don't forget about my other book! It is called Coward and it is about a character who suffers with bullying and depression. He also has a low self-esteem because his dad says he can't be a coward but he feels as if he is one. Dats all:):)!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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