Chapter 6- EXO, Man Boobs, and a Small Reunion/Flashback

Start from the beginning

Kai leaned in towards her and teasingly said “Prove it.”

The shy member with the short smile pulled Kai back. “Hyung, don’t do that to noona, its awkward.”

Amber chuckled and ruffled his hair. “It’s okay Sehun, Kai’s just being his normal self.”

Suddenly there was a shadow cast over you. You looked behind yourself and he held his hand out. “Let me help you up.” He grabbed your hand and gently pulled you up, then put his hands on your shoulder to steady you. You wondered why it felt so familiar. He looked into your eyes and a smile slowly grew on his face. “______, do you remember me?”

You couldn’t put your finger on it though. He looked so familiar but you just didn’t remember. You looked closely at his eyes when suddenly you got a tight feeling in your heart. Your eyes widened and you hugged him. “Jongdae oppa!!!” He hugged you back and then pulled away, lifting your chin up so he could see your face again. “Wow, all I could recognize were your eyes. You look so different..I never knew it was possible for you to look even more beautiful than before. You’ve grown up so much!” He lightly kissed your cheek but it looked like no one noticed.

Krystal scratched her head. “I don’t remember ever seeing you guys hang out together..”

Hankyung agreed. “Yeah, how do you guys know each other?”

Chen smiled half heartedly. “oh, well ________ she's my...well how should I put it?”

He poked your side. “We never officially broke up you know, so you’re not my ex.”

There were gasps all over the room. Kibum’s eyes almost popped out. “You guys dated?”

Chen nodded and grinned. “For three years.” (By the way, doesn’t Chen look like the mature and romantic kind of boyfriend? Like Siwon.)

Donghae tilted his head  to the side. “But what do you mean you never officially broke up?”

Chen put on his thinking face and rested his arm on your shoulder. You were still too shocked to even talk anymore.

“Well, I met ______ when she was 13 and I was 15. We were together for about 3 years and last year when I was 18, everyone pushed me to audition for SM, and I did. As you can see, I made it. So I had to move to South Korea. We were very far from eachother and couldn’t see eachother.”

Donghae’s eyes widened. “Where did you guys live before?”

“We met in the States. California.”

Krystal gasped and looked at you. “You went to the States? Why??”

You shrugged. “Like I said, I looked almost EVERYWHERE for you. I literally meant it.”

Chen kissed your head, and everyone saw that. “Yeah, she was so determined to find Krystal. She stayed with my family for 3 years.”

Krystal’s frowned. “I’m sorry ________.”

You slightly smiled. “It’s okay Stal unnie. You didn’t know.”

Donghae started asking more questions. “ exactly did you guys meet?”

Chen closed his eyes and smiled peacefully.  “I remember it like it was yesterday.”

<FLASHBACK TIME!!> (Chen’s POV) LISTEN TO THE SONG DURING THE FLASHBACK >>> (The lyrics work really good with the flashback..I didn't intend to, but it just happened)

I was walking back to my house in the rain. I had just came back from my friend’s house, and since it was raining I took the short cut through the park. There was a girl sitting a bench, and even though it was raining and I could barely see her, I knew that she was really pretty. I walked up to her and she was crying.

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