Chapter 4- Welcome Party 2/3

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Hey guys...sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, busy with school and stuff. But i actually thought about u guys :) during school, i would try to finish my homework early so i could write part 2 in my journal to post soon. it is


It was now 8:00 PM and music is blasting throughout the mansion. We Are The Future by H.O.T is playing.Everyone is having fun; Onew was eating chicken in the corner, Sulli and Luna are sitting on the couch texting..eachother? You didn't know...

Everyone else is dancing. You aren't dancing though, you are on the front porch trying to call your best friend ___________, who is in the United States right now. (You met her at the park a few years back, and just a couple months ago, her family moved to California..) On the fifth ring, she picked up.


"Heyy Girrllll.." You giggled

"Umm..who's this??"

You fake gasped "How could you not know who I am?!?"


"ITS ME _________(your name)"


You rolled your eyes, "Too late for that."

"Pshh, it's never to late for a 'Heyy GIRLLL.'"


"'s Korea? You need to visit us!!"

"Eh, Korea's okay."

She ignored what you said earlier.


You laughed..."OKAY! Okay, I will one day."

"Or maybe I could visit, during summer break."

"It's winter..."

"Not here, it summer" (I think..) "It's June 3rd here. School ends on June 12th."

"Oh okay then."

There was a pause..then she started talking again.

"Is that H.O.T in the backround?"

"Umm... yeah."

Geez...yeah you just realized that the music was SUPER loud.


"How am I supposed to have a party with you? Your all the way in Cali. Besides, it's not my party."

"Then who's is it?"

" S.M Entertainment's"

"'re kidding right?"

" No."

The front door opens and Eunhyuk pops out.

"Oh, there you are _________!"

"Hyuk Oppa....GO back INSIDE!!"

He puts his hand on his hips. (His sexy hands and sexy hips xD lol SEXY POSE!)

"Who are you talking to? Your boyfriend?"

You almost choked. "WHAT?!? I DONT HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"

"Okay gosh I was just teasing. So who is it?"

"My friend in America."

You can hear ________(friend) shouting on the phone.

"IS THAT SUPER JUNIOR'S EUNHYUK?" (She's Eunhyuk biased. World Anchovy <3 )

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