Such a Mess.

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"Tsk whatta mess" Taeyeon mutters to herself as she enters Baekhyuns loungeroom.

It's been two weeks since Baekhyun and Chanyeol broke up. They are both having such a hard time.

The loungeroom was covered with many empty beer bottles, three empty tubs of icecream and a sleeping Byun Baekhyun sprawled out on the couch with drool sliding down the corner of his mouth.

Taeyeon begins walking around the lounge with a plastic bag, disposing the bottles and throwing out the empty icecream tubs.

After she finished cleaning the lounge room she examined Baek's condition. Bags under swollen eyes and pale as ever tear-stained face.

She lets Baekhyun sleep more and waits for him to wake up.

'I wish they get back together.. they were really cute together' Tae thinks to herself as a pout forms on her face.

She heads towards the kitchen and makes soup for his hangover. After she finished making the soup she searches for some painkillers in the bathroom. Once she collects the said medicine, she sets them on the coffee table next to Baek, along with the hangover soup.

She shakes Baekhyun softly, "Baekkie wake up i made some soup for you and there are painkillers too"

Baekhyun groans as he sits up. Taeyeon hands the soup over and Baekhyun starts eating it but not before saying thank you.

Only three spoonfuls into the soup and Baekhyun hurriedly runs towards the bathroom.

Taeyeon quickly runs after him when she hears him vomiting.

"OMG! Baekkie are you okay?!"

"Y-yeah i just need those painkillers" He says as he wipes the vomit off the corners of his mouth.

"O-okay" Tae passes him the painkillers and a water bottle and Baekhyun gladly swallows them.

"Baek.. you're such a mess" Taeyeon says with concerning eyes.

"Y-yeah" Baek replies, not soon after he vomits again.

"Oh my god Baek, we need to go to the doctors there could be something seriously wrong with you!" Taeyeon says and helps Baekhyun out of the house and into the passenger seat of her car.

As she's driving she asks Baekhyun, "How are you holding up?"

"G-great" Baekhyun mumbles and closes his eyes tightly to keep the tears inside.

Once they reach the doctors Taeyeon helps Baekhyun into the building.

"Hi if there are any spaces right now can we check in with a doctor? It's pretty urgent" Taeyeon asks the receptionist.

"Oh yes doctor Namjoon is available right now, his room is the last door on the left" The receptionist lady says.

Taeyeon thanks her and they walk to the end of the hallway turning left into doctor Namjoon's room.

"Ahem" Taeyeon fake coughs to get the attention of the two men making out.

"Aha" The one with big lips chuckles embarrassingly.

Baekhyun looks up at the two doctors whom were getting it on just before.

"Wait a second, you're doctor Seokjin!?" Baek asks.

"Yeah... OH you're Baekhyun, Chanyeols ex-boyfriend, right?" Seokjin asks and Baekhyun feels like someone stabbed his heart by hearing ex.

"Y-yeah, how is he doing?"

"He's.. not doing good. He was crying all the time for the first week and the second week he just stayed silent as if he is dead, like he has no more tears to shed, like the life has been sucked out of him" Doctor Seokjin explains, "He needs someone to love and to love him. He needs someone to care for and to care for him. He needs you and you need him" Seokjin then gives a peck to Namjoon, bows then leaves.

Taeyeon looks worriedly at Baek as he stares at the floor, unmoving.

"Um well anyway why don't you two have a seat" Namjoon gestures to the seats, "What's the problem?"

Baekhyun stays silent and so Taeyeon explains, "He's been vomiting all morning and super pale and I'm just worried in case anything is wrong"

"Are you his umm girlfriend?" The doctor asks.

"Haha no I'm his bestfriend, im dating a girl"

"Ohh wait a second you're Kim Taeyeon, right? Ahh and Byun Baekhyun he was the one in a love rumour with you!" Namjoon finally catches on.

"Haha yeah but anyway what do these symptoms show?"

"Well has he had any intercourse recently?" DR asks.

"Y-yeah.." Baekhyun mumbles sheepishly, head still low.

"How long ago?"

"Two weeks ago..."

"Okay, can you please take a pregnancy test?" Namjoon asks and hands the thermometer-looking thing to Baek.

Baekhyun takes it with wide eyes, "you think I'm pregnant?"

"Mhm now take the test in the toilets, we'll wait here"

Baekhyun hesitantly leaves. After a few minutes he comes back with a shocked face.

Namjoon puts his gloved hand out  and Baek hands it to him.


Two lines.


"Just as I thought" Namjoon mumbles to himself, "Congratulations Byun Baekhyun, you're two weeks pregnant!"

"Pregnant?!" Taeyeon shouts.

"Uh-huh" he says and turns the test thing showing them.

Tae stares at it with wide eyes and Baekhyun fumbles with his hands.

"So who's the father?" Namjoon asks.


Taeyeon and Namjoon sigh.

"Well Baekhyun I think you should go back to Chanyeol, I'm married to Seokjin and he tells me whats going on. He told me about how the first week you's broke up whenever he entered Chanyeol's room he would start complaining about the breakup between you's. Wanna know something? I would never leave Seokjin because some weirdo doesn't want him and I together. I just hope you make the right decision" Namjoon says, "Well you can check back here for fortnightly checkups and whenever you have questions, as the time goes past you will have more frequent check ups. Well, bye Baekhyun and Taeyeon."

"Bye and thank you" they say in unison, bow and leave.

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